Our facilities offer chiropractors, physical therapy, nurse practitioners, physician assistant, nutritionists, cardiologists, pain management doctors, pediatricians, surgeons, and a genuinely caring support staff. This one-stop-shop, causes-based health care solution has helped positively impact the lives...
wrote in his memoir The Chiropractor that the principles of spinal manipulation were passed on to him during a séance by a doctor who had been dead for half a century. Before this, Palmer was a “magnetic healer”.
Differences between formal education5,200 instructional hours. 4 years of undergraduate required for admission into DC school. Programs may vary. Not required to have a Bachelor's degree prior to admission. Total time = 6-8 years post graduate depending on undergraduate course work.4 years of Un...
Floor Manager- Chiropractic Physician Assistant Dylan Rainey Chiropractic Rehab Assistant Contact & Location (239) 334-9355 11300 Lindbergh Blvd #110, Fort Myers FL Patient Appointments Our Hours Monday: 9:00AM – 12:00PM Monday: 2:00PM – 6:00PM BBC ...