He was born on January 29, 1843, with Mercury approximately 27 Aquarius 18, closely conjunct Eris at 27 Aquarius 53. Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey had a mind that quickly grasped complicated issues. He was instrumental in merging two opposing political parties (the Democratic and the Farmer...
(all through the Sun contact) in a way that informs the way of Being in the world with a unique viewpoint and a bit of genius via skills, especially healing skills (the novile), playing up the innovative qualities (Aquarius) through the creative Piscean Soul (Sun) and fusing them with...
Rosenberg, "that would be between Aquarius' rt leg and the water pouring from his urn." III. Around the star known as 55 Cancri, they have found a disk, made up of dust, comets, and other cosmic stuff, that is remarkably similar in size and composition to our Kuiper Belt. And this...