toward a greater empathy and understanding that carries the ‘style’ of your Chiron placement. For instance, in Aquarius the mandate is to gain a greater intellectual understanding of the world, or it can be to find empathy with ‘the group’, or the courage to stand and act as an indivi...
remains the Focal Point of a T-Square involving Jupiter in Gemini and Mercury in Sagittarius * The “empty leg” or “Solution Point” for this T-Square lands in Virgo * The Mars-Pluto opposition in Leo-Aquarius makes some harmonious aspects to the Moon Nodes in Aries-Libra * Venus-Uranus...
He was born on January 29, 1843, with Mercury approximately 27 Aquarius 18, closely conjunct Eris at 27 Aquarius 53. Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey had a mind that quickly grasped complicated issues. He was instrumental in merging two opposing political parties (the Democratic and the Farmer...