Chiron in the 4th house: 父亲可能有慢性病,或离家,无法给与感情的温暖。 Chiron in the 5th house: 你虽可以当别人的爱情顾问,但你的情史别人是不能问的。 嘿嘿,你只公布你想公布的! Chiron in the 6th house: 你善於帮助同事,也当健康顾问,但自己可能吃垃圾食品。 Chiron in the 7th house: 你是很好...
Chiron in the 5th House With Chiron in your fifth house, at the core of your being, you champion the idea of being unique, celebrating your individuality, taking pride in yourself, and relishing every moment of life. However, past experiences might have cast a shadow on these beliefs, maki...
* Venus in Gemini still stationing, ended her 6-week Retrograde phase on June 25th, still exalted until July 7th * Chiron in Aries sextiles Venus in Gemini (July 5th – 14th, exact on July 10th) * Use the Coaching questions from this video to align yourself with the current energies: ...
STEP 1:In the 1st module of the course, “The Wounded Healer” we explore our natal Chiron placement. Our Chiron sign, the aspects to other planets, and especially our Chiron house placement, all describe our “wounding profile”. STEP 2: If the 1st module of the course is the “What”...
(through sign and aspects), with the sign opposite the one in which Juno sits giving hints about the kind of person with whom she’d like to mate (combine this with 7thHouse indicators for a more complete picture on the potential acceptable spouse–the 5th is for purely romantic ...
1 ff (trans. Conway) (Greek lyric C5th B.C.) : "Would that Kheiron (Chiron), the son of Philyre (Philyra)--if so be that my lips the prayer must utter that lives in every heart--would that he might regain the life he left long since, that man of widespread power, the son ...
She stirs up even the shiftless to toil; for a man grows eager to work when he considers his neighbour, a rich man who hastens to plough and plant and put his house in good order; and neighbour vies with his neighbour as he hurries after wealth. This Strife is wholesome for men. ...
In a birth chart, Chiron almost always reveals an individual’s physical or psychic wound–when conjunct natal sun or in the first house, life-threatening physical circumstances may have been experienced by such a native since an early age; Chiron aspects to moon or in the water houses (4th...