Chiron in the natal chart represents our “deepest wound”. It shows an area of our lives and part of our psyches where we lack self-esteem or even self-respect and tend to overcompensate as a result. We tend to give and give and give in these areas of life, until we learn to ...
Chiron in the Natal Chart Reflections on Chiron in the Natal Chart I think interpreting Chiron in the natal chart can be very revealing, especially, of course, if it makes some strong aspects or is otherwise prominent. There are quite a few excellent res
Powerful New Moon/Solar Eclipse in 21 degrees of Libra (exact on Oct. 14th, 2023 at 1:55pm EDT) Planetary aspects in this Solar Eclipse chart: Mercury aligns with the Solar Eclipse in Libra 00:10 The South Node Solar Eclipse/Mercury alignment in Libra opposes the North Node & Chiron in...
Now we add this to the picture: “Fixed T-square, NN-Moon as the arm (placing this combo at the top of the chart, in the individual’s 10th) to an opposition of ASC-Pallas to Jupiter and a stationary Mercury in Scorpio, roughly four degrees apart”. A T-square alerts us to the ...
2. If we relocate these first-ever Chiron Return charts for Washington DC, we find a few critical 29th degrees involved which will resonate with the current 29th degree condition of transit Pluto in governmental Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, planet of the law and order and our court system whic...
s asteroid ephemeris. Sedna was 0 degrees 24 minutes from my natal Chiron, which I’ve always been a tad sore about, positioned as it is 3 degrees from my IC in the 4th house. The IC orImum Coeliis one of the angles and most sensitive points on a birth chart because it pertains ...
Not only is its orbit highly elliptical, but it is tilted 44.187 degrees relative to the plane of the solar system. Pluto's orbit is only inclined 17 degrees. How big is it? The latest size estimate, as of February 2006, is a diameter of 3000 km. To put that in perspective, our Mo...
With Chiron in your fifth house, at the core of your being, you champion the idea of being unique, celebrating your individuality, taking pride in yourself, and relishing every moment of life. However, past experiences might have cast a shadow on these beliefs, making it a challenge for yo...