AMD Chipset Drivers主板芯片组驱动6.05.28.016版For Win10-64/Win11(2024年6月11日发布) AMD Chipset Drivers主板芯片组驱动6.05.28.016版发布,支持AMD 300系列、400系列、500系列、600系列、TRX40、TRX50、WRX80、WRX90等桌面和笔记本主板,支持Zen架构的所有锐龙、速龙处理器。
- Updated AMD Ryzen Balanced power plan- Update AMD chipset driver 19.10.xx first before update this driver 【如何更新和安装 华硕 PRIME A320M-K (AMD Chipset driver) 主板驱动】关于怎么更新和安装驱动,可以通过驱动精灵自动检测是否有可更新的驱动,用户可选择自主更新或者安装驱动【如何卸载 华硕 PRIME ...
- Updated AMD Ryzen Balanced power plan- Update AMD chipset driver 19.10.xx first before update this driver 【如何更新和安装 华硕 PRIME A320M-K/CSM (AMD Chipset driver) 主板驱动】关于怎么更新和安装驱动,可以通过驱动精灵自动检测是否有可更新的驱动,用户可选择自主更新或者安装驱动【如何卸载 华硕 ...
AMD Chipset Drivers主板芯片组驱动4.08.09.2337版发布,主要添加了对Window 11 22H2系统的支持。 此外,新驱动还为Thunderbolt/USB4扩展设备添加了S0i3功能,并修复了AMD SFH Driver、AMD MicroPEP Driver、AMD PMF Driver、AMD AMS Mailbox Driver等组件存在的Bug。
相比Radeon显卡驱动,AMD的芯片组驱动升级频率没那么快,不过每次升级解决的问题不少,日前AMD发布了锐龙芯片组驱动4.11.15.342版,强烈推荐锐龙5000及锐龙7000用户升级,解决了多个蓝屏、死机的bug。 Ryzen Chipset Drivers主板芯片组驱动4.11.15.342版升级内容 AMD Ryzen Chipset Drivers版芯片组发布,修复了诸多...
Download the AMD Chipset Drivers for Ryzen processors. This driver set offers optimized chipset compatibility with AMD Ryzen processors and AMD Socket AM4 - The Ryzen Power Plan has been updated and new new device ID support added. This chipset driver is designed for AMD Ryzen CPUs and uses...
5、更新AMD MicroPEP Driver组件,修复ACPI相关问题。 6、纠正了俄语系统部分文本错误。 支持的芯片组型号如下: - AMD A320 Chipset - AMD B350 Chipset - AMD X370 Chipset - AMD X399 Chipset - AMD B450 Chipset - AMD X470 Chipset - AMD A520 Chipset ...
AMD A320 Chipset AMD X370 Chipset AMD X399 Chipset AMD B450 Chipset AMD X470 Chipset AMD X570 Chipset AMD B550 Chipset AMD A520 Chipset AMD TRX40 Chipset AMD WRX80 Chipset Package Includes: AMD Chipset Drivers AMD Ryzen™ Power Plans (required for UEFI CPPC2 in Windows® 10 May 2019...
In the anticipation of the AMD Ryzen 5000 series of CPUs launch based on Zen 3 architecture, AMD has just released the updated drivers for its chipsets. Covering a wide selection ranging from B350, A320, X370, X399, B450, X470, X570, B550, and TRX40 Chipset, the updated chip...
Get it here: AMD offers updated drivers for its motherboard chipsets including B350, A320, X370, X399, B450,