From Crew to a Certified Training Manager making six figures in about 3 years. Chipotle has allowed me to send my kids to any college of their choice and retire comfortably in the future. NAKEYSHA WASHINGTON, DC From a crew member trying to navigate a fast-paced work environment to the Ge...
From Crew to a Certified Training Manager making six figures in about 3 years. Chipotle has allowed me to send my kids to any college of their choice and retire comfortably in the future. NAKEYSHA WASHINGTON, DC From a crew member trying to navigate a fast-paced work environment to the Ge...
I feel incredibly undervalued and underpaid. Between managing and trying to obtain a college education I do a lot more than the managers paid more than me. Review from Operations DeptAnonymous Review Why do you feel undervalued and what would make you feel better about your compensation?