And thus, I give you, my 2023 Dating Year in Review (if the embedded video doesn’t play, you can watch it here): ~*~*~*~*~*~ Please tell me your 2023 was better. ~*~*~*~*~*~ Tagged dating, dating apps, dating by the numbers, dating presentation, dating statistics, dating ...
The Sweatbox Review: Back in 1987, I was at that unfortunate stage of life where one largely abandons cartoons. Yes, I was a teenager then, soon to enter my final year of high school, and as such I had little time to give much consideration to cartoons. Homework, girls, and other ex...
There's a new Age of Empires game! But… I hope Joan of Arc didn't actually sound like that... 10 years ago ObeseChipmunk Watch Dogs Review Video player still sucks. 10 years ago ObeseChipmunk Kiefer Sutherland confirmed as Snake in Metal Gear Solid V ...