PSOC5LP USB Program / Debug Using KitProg3, VSCode, Mac & Linux June 12, 2024 You can program and debug the PSOC5LP over the USB port with OpenOCD and VSCode — with some crutches. The short of it is you have to get the PSOC5’s attention with the PSOC Creator menu “Select Deb...
Windows – UsingWin32DiskImagerGUI tool Linux – with dd: 1 sudoddif=linux-sdcard-minix-neo-x7.imgof=/dev/sdXbs=4M where ‘X’ is the disk name, and varies from system to system. It may also be like /dev/mmcblkX. Use ‘lsusb’ to find out. If you use a USB hard dri...
The board will support various operating system including Android 7.1, Debian, Yocto Linux, and more. Some of the source code and software development tools are already available ingithub. The board will be launched on the first of July, but price has not be...