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Only installer configs and inf files are modified. No driver binaries are modified! No additional executable files are installed or executed. NVPCF removed from driver to avoid error 31 In order to view the contents of the installer, it is enough to unpack the contents using rar or 7zip.Abo...
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Satish Kumar NewJan 18, 2024 7:37 PM AG Anonymized GDPR ··· There are rare instances when MSIs become corrupted and/or the permissions are incorrect when an MSI is installed. The following procedure should clear the issue: Download the latest Visual C++ Redistributable packages ...
This will help for the initial download and any further updates. Setting up a Linux build environment On your host PC $ sudo apt-get install git-core gitk git-gui subversion curl gnupg flex bison gperf build-essential zip curl zlib1g-dev gcc-multilib g++-multilib libc6-dev-i386 lib32ncurs...
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C:\Windows\System32 (Windows XP,Vista,7,8,10) 如果是64位文件C:\Windows\SysWOW64 至此如果问题依旧,您可能需要使用regsvr32注册文件 方法如下: 单击开始,选择运行 ,输入 regsvr32 slchipcardb.dll 并按下确认 之后会弹出注册成功信息即可。 If you download a DLL file, this is the installation instructio...
Peach (Prunus persica) is a typical climacteric fruit that produces ethylene rapidly during ripening, and its fruit softens quickly. Stony hard peach cultivars, however, do not produce large amounts of ethylene, and the fruit remains firm until fully rip
console:/ # cat data/udev/data/c13\:64 I:1104248553 E:ID_INPUT=1 E:ID_INPUT_TOUCHSCREEN=1 调试工具 tools/ ├── busybox ├── ├── hdc_std ├── io ├── ├── modetest ├── strace ├── upgrade_tool ...