audioopen-sourcedataopensourceopendatacorpusopen-datadatasetaudio-datadatasetsrussian-datasetsaudio-datasetschinese-datasetvoice-datasetvoice-datasetsaudio-datasetvoice-datasova-datasetenglish-datasets UpdatedNov 8, 2022 汉字数据集,包括汉字的相关信息,例如笔画数、部首、拼音、英文释义/同义词等。
人工精调的中文对话数据集和一段chatglm的微调代码. Contribute to jiaqi-roh/alpaca_chinese_dataset development by creating an account on GitHub.
PsyQA: A Chinese Dataset for Generating Long Counseling Text for Mental Health Support 你过来呀 呀~~呀~呀8 人赞同了该文章 目录 收起 论文速读 1 综述 咨询中的语言行为 用于心理健康检测和治疗的 NLP 基于文本的心理健康相关数据集 4 数据收集 数据源 数据清理 策略标注 注释质量控制 语料分析...
[4]MultiFC: A Real-World Multi-Domain Dataset for Evidence-Based Fact Checking of Claims. EMNLP 2019 [5]A Richly Annotated Corpus for Different Tasks in Automated Fact-Checking. CoNLL 2019 [6]X-Fact: A New Benchmark Dataset for Multilingual Fact Checking. ACL 2021 [7]Explainable Automated ...
We propose the first Chinese sexism dataset -- Sina Weibo Sexism Review (SWSR) dataset --, as well as a large Chinese lexicon SexHateLex made of abusive and gender-related terms. We introduce our data collection and annotation process, and provide an exploratory analysis of the dataset ...
A large collection of dialogues between patients and doctors must be annotated for medical named entities to build intelligence for telemedicine. However, since most patients involved in telemedicine deliver related named entities in informal and long mu
【2023最新】文本蕴含论文代码边读边复现 P2:《CHFF:A pilot Chinese Dataset for Evidence-Based》 科研火花 152 0 【研究生速进!】全网最新最全的多模态情感识别前沿论文带读,代码与教程一并打包!——人工智能|AI|计算机视觉|机器学习 科研火花 482 1 2024年最容易出论文创新点的时间序列模型,IT博士半天就...
some of the expressions may appear exaggerated or artificial to observers. Furthermore, as some of the volunteers may not present all six emotions well, some expressions are missing for many subjects in the datasets. Therefore, a more natural and standardized Chinese emotional face dataset is neede...
4. Re:【代码精读】DocRED: A Large-Scale Document-Level Relation Extraction Dataset(2) @嗒嗒的马蹄 如果是torch的调用可以查pytorch的手册官方英文文档: 中文的也能用(有的语法不全) ,如果是python的调用一些数学方面的库也可以查文档,不过网上搜索来的更快,就是这样哈... --Harukaze 5. Re:【代码精读】...
Chinese Poetry Dataset用LSTM古诗词生成 Le LSTM古诗词生成 一、简介 基于LSTM的古诗词生成,设计神经网络模型,使模型学习数据是6291首古诗,没有专门的验证数据和测试数据,感觉不会预测正确。边学习边生成古诗,从生成的古诗来看学习的效果。 涉及到的模块有Pytorch、Dataset、word2vec、LSTM。