Chinese characters to Pinyin, a good helper for learning Chinese Pinyin, supports one-click conversion of Chinese characters into Pinyin. A useful tool to help…
Chinese to Pinyin Convertربما يعجبك أيضًا Mandarin Chinese Pinyin تعليم Mandarin Pronunciation تعليم Chinese Pinyin Fun تعليم
varpinyin =require("chinese-to-pinyin") pinyin('中文语句') 示例 pinyin('今天天气真好')// jīn tiān tiān qì zhēn hǎo 支持多音字 pinyin('蚌埠六安哪吒都灵')// bèng bù lù ān né zhā dū líng 略去声调 pinyin('今天天气真好', {removeTone:true})// jin tian tian qi zhen hao 声调...
varpinyin=require("chinese-to-pinyin") pinyin('中文语句') 示例 pinyin('今天天气真好')//jīn tiān tiān qì zhēn hǎo 支持多音字 pinyin('蚌埠六安哪吒都灵')//bèng bù lù ān né zhā dū líng 略去声调 pinyin('今天天气真好',{removeTone:true})//jin tian tian qi zhen hao ...
I converted130384Chinese characters to Pinyin Enter the Chinese text you want to convert to Pinyin:
{// 创建汉语拼音处理类HanyuPinyinOutputFormatdefaultFormat=newHanyuPinyinOutputFormat();// 输出设置,大小写,音标方式defaultFormat.setCaseType(HanyuPinyinCaseType.LOWERCASE);defaultFormat.setToneType(HanyuPinyinToneType.WITHOUT_TONE);StringpinyingStr="";try {pinyingStr=PinyinHelper.toHanyuPinyinString(han...
This tool can convert any Chinese characters to Pinyin. Before you press the Convert button, you can adjust the converter settings as needed. For the characters that have multiple pronunciations, the system is able to intelligently pick the right one based on the context of the character. Both...
Chinese hanzi to pinyin conversion tool from Chinese Boost. Convert Chinese characters into pinyin with this tool.
ChineseToPinyin(汉字转换为拼音) Ha**rd上传72KB文件格式jar汉字转换为拼音 idea插件 可以将汉字转换为拼音 使用驼峰命名规则 (0)踩踩(0) 所需:1积分 rust-clap_complete_nushell-devel-4.5.5-1.mga10.noarch 2025-02-26 00:25:57 积分:1 rust-clap_complete_nushell+default-devel-4.5.5-1.mga10....
tool/js - ChineseToPinyin 汉语转拼音 Convert_Pinyin.js js如何简单实现汉字转成拼音的功能 pinyin-pro 官网 npm npm 安装 npm install pinyin-pro 浏览器引入 特色功能 获取汉字、词语、句子等多种格式的拼音 获取声母 获取韵母、韵头、韵腹、韵尾 获取拼音首字母 获取音调 获取多音字的多种拼音 支持人名姓氏...