Your zodiac sign, element, and horoscope for 2025 are determined by your birth year. Use our Chinese zodiac calculator to discover your Chinese zodiac, elements, and predictions for 2025.
Horoscopes 2025 yearly horoscope and tarot forecastChinese zodiac 2024: Signs, years, animals and what they really mean Find out which animal and element you are By Kerry WardUpdated: 12 January 2024Issy Muir//Getty Images Jump to: 2024's Chinese zodiac sign How does the Chinese zodiac work?
Find your Chinese/lunar year zodiac sign Learn which animal archetype ruled over the 12-month lunar year that you were born: Find our elemental year (metal, water, wood, fire or earth) Every decade is divided into two-year blocks, each ruled by an element: ...
Free accurate Chinese horoscope calculator to find out your animal sign and element of birth according to the Chinese lunisolar calendar.
The balance theory of Five Elements (Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth) using in the Chinese Astrology can predict people's future pretty well. Some people are not quite sure about their birthday and time. The following Personality Quiz can help people to find their Five Element combination...
Find your birth year below, which tells you the animal sign and element (metal, water, wood, fire, or earth). Be sure to check the dates of the Chinese year if your birthday is in January or February as you may be included the previous Western calendar year. ...
Find your Chinese zodiac animal by year of birth: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig.
Calculator for finding chinese zodiac sign. Just give your date of birth - then the calculator will find chinese zodiac sign and zodiac elemental.
So, what is your Chinese zodiac sign? Well... it all depends on the year you were born. We've all seen the paper place-mat at the neighborhood Chinese restaurant that shows all of the Chinese Zodiac animals and meanings, including all of the years from the early 1900's to the mid ...
People strongly belief in the chinese zodiac system for the luck and fortune through the animal signs. As every animal sign has exceptional identity attributes, the Chinese individuals like to anticipate individuals' relations and all the more as per this. Enter your name , date of birth and ...