1992 is the year of the Monkey in accordance with Chinese zodiac and it belongs to the Water element based on Chinese Five Elements. So the people born in 1992 have Water Monkey sign.Chinese people follows lunar calendar since ancient times. According to Gregorian calendar, people born from Fe...
Chinese zodiac five elements, 'Wu Xing' in Chinese refers to the five elements - Jin (metal), Mu (wood), Shui (water), Huo (fire), Tu (earth). It is also named the Five Movements, Five Phrases, Five Steps or Five States of Change.
Find your Chinese zodiac animal by year of birth: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig.
Your birthday determines your Chinese Zodiac Sign, and there’s a classic Chinese saying, “The Animal Hides In Your Heart”!Look for your birthday in the follow list, and click on your animal for your personal interpretation!Tweet YearElementAnimal Feb 5, 1924 – Jan 23, 1925 Yang Wood ...
Chinese Zodiac The Chinese animal signs are a 12-year cycle used for dating the years. They represent a cyclical concept of time, rather than the Western linear concept of time. The Chinese Lunar Calendar is based on the cycles of the moon, and is constructed in a different fashion than ...
Chinese zodiac is one a big deal in the Chinese language and culture. Whats your Chinese Zodiac Animal? Check the years, compatibility and horoscope
If you're into astrology, you should get to know the Chinese zodiac signs and years. Here's what to know, from our Chinese horoscope expert.
What's my Chinese Zodiac sign? Here is the Chinese Zodiac Years Chart with exact dates to help you find out your animal sign in a short time.
Your zodiac sign, element, and horoscope for 2025 are determined by your birth year. Use our Chinese zodiac calculator to discover your Chinese zodiac, elements, and predictions for 2025.
Free accurate Chinese horoscope calculator to find out your animal sign and element of birth according to the Chinese lunisolar calendar.