Chinese Zodiac sign is based on one’s year of birth according to the Chinese lunar calendar. People under different signs have unique characters and fortune. You can find out your animal signs quickly according to the zodiac years chart below and click the animal sign to view more information...
People born in the year of 1933 (Jan. 26, 1933 - Feb. 13, 1934) or 1993 (Jan. 23, 1993 - Feb. 09, 1994) are members of the Water Rooster. For those born before Jan. 26, 1933 or Jan. 23, 1993, they belong to the zodiac animal of Water Monkey....
Persons born during their cycle are said to take on their animal traits. Rat - Cunning and Inventive – Chinese Zodiac Sign – Rat Ox - Strong and Steady: The Year of the Ox Tiger - Star of Stripes: The Year of the Tiger Rabbit - The Year of the Rabbit: Typical Traits Dragon - ...
Chinese Zodiac The Chinese animal signs are a 12-year cycle used for dating the years. They represent a cyclical concept of time, rather than the Western linear concept of time. The Chinese Lunar Calendar is based on the cycles of the moon, and is constructed in a different fashion than ...
us what our zodiac animal is. Each animal rules for a year in the Chinese Zodiac, depending on the year one is born. When it's your year, legend has it that the powers of the zodiac animal for your sign can have favor on you, but you must defer to the power of the animal. Chin...
Find your Chinese zodiac animal by year of birth: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig.
Method 3: Calculate Zodiac Mathematically How to calculate your zodiac animal sign mathematically? Firstly, you should remember the zodiac animal chart below . Then divide your year of birth by 12 and read the remainder. If the number of your birth year can be divided with no remainder, then...
The dates of Chinese Lunar New Year vary every year, but will fall on a day in January or February. If you were born on a day during March to December, it won’t be difficult to figure out your zodiac animal sign, but for people with birthdays in January or February, there are bigg...
Chinese Zodiac Years Chartto Find your Zodiac Sign There is a time gap in the year dates between lunar calendar and Gregorian calendar. Therefore, some people born in January or February of Gregorian calendar may actually have the animal sign of the last year. What is my Chinese zodiac sign...
Chinese Zodiac Animal Guessing Game!Letsroll雪球 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多7671 3 2:38 App 12 Chinese Zodiac Song - Learn English 3177 -- 2:04 App The Chinese New Year Song 1011 -- 1:26 App 【原创亲子英文】The Aquarium Song - English for Kids 330 -- 1:10 ...