This study examines the interdependence between the onshore (CNY) and offshore (CNH) Chinese renminbi exchange rates by employing continuous wavelet analysis. We pay particular attention to the effect of CNY exchange rate reform in 2015. We find that the interdependence between the CNY and CNH ...
“We have seen more demand for onshore Chinese AT2 bonds from offshore clients,” says a managing director at a European bank, “For Chinese investors who are very familiar with the credit, they can go down to the T2 paper [from T1].” Known as yield hunters in the Asian bond markets...
CNH stands for Chinese Yuan Renminbi Offshore and refers to the Chinese Yuan traded in the offshore market, mainly in financial hubs like Hong Kong. The key differences between CNY vs CNH can be outlined as follows: CNYCNH Value can only shift within 2% of the reference rate, which is co...
. Noticeably, this latter refuge is also consistent with palaeo-data (Sun et al., 1981; Harrison et al., 2001), indicating that the lowland areas south of the Yangtze Delta Region, including presently submerged offshore localities, still sustained temperate deciduous forest at the LGM. More...
English.I.e.,theyuanrepresentstheonshoreor mainlandChinesespotcurrencymarket. 2 CNYis 1 CMEGroupintroducedfuturesbasedonthevalueofthe U.S.dollarvs.offshoreChineserenminbi(CNH)in responsetothesedevelopments.Thesecontractsare quotedintermsofoffshoreRMBorCNHperUSD.They ...
onshore manufacturers get paid by USD from offshore subsidiaries and export the gold semi-fabricated products – inflating export numbers repeat step 1-3Important to understand is that gold in round tripping needs to be physically imported into China and then exported, in contrast to copper. The...
only a small number of Chinese banks had an exchange listing. Many of China’s leading lenders cemented exchange-traded presence with onshore A- and/or offshore H-share listings (McGuinness and Keasey2010) in the period 2005–10. State-based directives to internationalize and bolster equity cap...
whether and climate changes [1]. Additionally, marine safety and transport, fishery management, offshore industry, and even military defense also are the application fields of Argo data. So far, there has been more than 4000 active Argo floats operating in the oceans and they are from over 30...
optimism grows about the prospects of recovery. Offshore funds bought 22 billion yuan (US$3 billion) of yuan-denominated stocks in March, according to Stock Connect data, following 60.7 billion yuan of net purchases in February, marking the end of a six-month outflow from the onshore market...
In a separate statement to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Country Garden said it had repaid an onshore bond worth Rmb800mn, highlighting a contrast between onshore and offshore repayments. The company has hired restructuring advisers ahead of likely negotiations with offshore creditors, to whom tota...