詞Word 类属Thesaurus 例句Examples 筆順Strokes 字Character 字源Etymology Settingsmaker 'meɪkər Main English Definition (名) As a noun A business engaged in manufacturing some product. A person who makes things. Terms referring to the Judeo-Christian God. Hyphenation mak•er Part of ...
Designmultiple-choice,true/false, andwrittenquizzes using our uniqueChinese Quiz Maker. Use theChinese Character Agamograph Makerfor creatingChinese characterandpicture agamograph activity sheetsfor your Chinese class. Print Chinese word or Pinyin search puzzles for younger learners using our recently added...
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1.Puzzle Type:Chinese Word SearchPinyin Search 2.Paper Size:Letter (8.5 X 11 inch)A4 (210 X 297 mm) 3.Grid Size:5 X 56 X 67 X 78 X 89 X 910 X 1011 X 1112 X 1213 X 1314 X 1415 X 1516 X 1617 X 1718 X 1819 X 1920 X 20 ...
-Another way to search, not mentioned in other reviews or even in the intro to the book itself: search by looking for a character that goes with the target character (i.e. I have no idea what this character is, but I just saw it printed right after the word for water. Fine, I'll...
A mug from the same maker as above but dated Gui Si for 1953 in the inscription. Channelled base rim, black geometric border. Lidded mug, 1954 date, with a floral border typical of Nanchang or Jiujiang companies at the time. Dated 1955 by the auction house, but perhaps the translation ...
A separate jury for documentaries and animation will be headed by Taiwan-based Myanmar director Midi Z, India’s Rima Das and Japanese documentary maker Toda Hikaru.The APSAs will be presented at a ceremony in Gold Coast, Queensland on Nov. 4 and be preceded by three days of seminars and ...
J. D. Power has done many sur-the US as the world's largest car maker in 2009, the gap between do-veys in the past seven years mestic and foreign cars was 145 points. "It's evidence for the improve-J. D. Power is ments that domestic brands have been making," said Geoff ...