lancopku/pkuseg-python pkuseg多领域中文分词工具; The pkuseg toolkit for multi-domain Chinese word segmentation 5.0k Python 06/21 33PaddlePaddle/models Pre-trained and Reproduced Deep Learning Models (『飞桨』官方模型库,包含多种学术前沿和工业场景验证的深度学习模型) 4.9k Python 07/24 34jack...
Based on the time domain features of Chinese words, which are short time peak-valley energy and zero crossing, we propose a novel method for continuous speech endpoint detection. It is simple and easy to use, with high detection rate and low computational complexity. The effectiveness of the ...
Fractions can also be stated as decimals. The word for "decimal point" in Mandarin Chinese is written as 点 in simplified form. The character is pronounced as "diǎn."If a number begins with the decimal point, it can optionally be prefaced with 零 (líng), which means "zero." Each ...
中文预训练BERT-wwm(Pre-Trained Chinese BERT with Whole Word Masking) 在自然语言处理领域中,预训练模型(Pre-trained Models)已成为非常重要的基础技术。 为了进一步促进中文信息处理的研究发展,我们发布了基于全词遮罩(Whole Word Masking)技术的中文预训练模型BERT-wwm,以及与此技术密切相关的模型:BERT-wwm-ext,...
Using zero to nine represents the ten sections, and using two digital numbers represents initial consonant and final. Using 1,2,3,4 presents four tunes. Its feature is digitalizing Pinyin input method and Pinyin word picking up method. Word picking up method suited for dictionary and input ...
ZerounNet / chinese_chatbot_corpus zgd716 / chaotbot_corpus_Chinese zh010zh / chinese_chatbot_corpus zhaitao1992 / chinese_chatbot_corpus Zhang- / chinese_chatbot_corpus zhanghaoyu92hou / chinese_chatbot_corpus zhangtaiyu / chinese_chatbot_corpus zhangxt / chinese_chatbot_corpus zhan...
69 nshalabi/ATTACK-Tools Utilities for MITRE™ ATT&CK 985 2023-10-20 70 hhurz/tableExport.jquery.plugin jQuery plugin to export a html table to JSON, XML, CSV, TSV, TXT, SQL, Word, Excel, PNG and PDF 974 2023-10-30 71 dark-kingA/superSearchPlus 谷歌插件版本- superSearchPlus是聚合...
The Chinese ambassador noted that some people see competition between the two countries as a "zero-sum" and "winner-takes-all" game, which is "very negative, very destructive" to bilateral ties. Pointing out that "competition" originally was a good word instead of a bad one in both Chinese...
"My master's English is not very good. Normally when we encounter technical terms, we mostly communicate using gestures. As time went by, I got to understand what my master was trying to say even if he only uttered one word. I just need to look into his eyes to know my mistake if...
Matlab-based EEGLAB45 and ERPLAB46 toolboxes were used for the offline preprocessing. Raw continuous EEG signal first went through a two-way Butterworth band-pass (0.1–40 Hz) filter with zero phase shift (roll-off slope: 12 dB/oct), then followed by a Parks-McClellan notch filter to min...