Normally you would say一阵风(yīzhèn fēng) for a waft of wind or a gust of wind. Sometimes the order is reversed to create a special effect. 黄昏(huánghūn) is dusk or twilight. In the third tone,少(shǎo) means few or little. 半空(bàn kòng) means half way in the sky, or ...
I am dreaming, my sweetheart, of you. I’m providing two versions of the Chinese translation for the sake of including additional words and phrases that might come handy when the occasion arises for you to write sweet nothings to someone dear but who is far away. 每当太阳向青山道晚安, Mě...
I was deceived by the blue sky and brought no umbrella. The sky is gloomy and gray - a typical rainy-season sky. Something looking like a UFO made a sudden turn then disappeared into the distant sky. English word "天空"(sky) occurs in sets:Weather and Nature 天气与自然 Tiānqì yǔ z...
The post-processing parts performs boundary expansion aiming to predict the geometric shapes and group text lines for final text recognition. Fig. 1 The procedure of our proposed framework: (a) The input image, (b) the outputs of character candidate classification, (c) word/character extraction...
lancopku/pkuseg-python pkuseg多领域中文分词工具; The pkuseg toolkit for multi-domain Chinese word segmentation 5.0k Python 06/21 36PeterDing/iScript 各种脚本 -- 关于 虾米, 百度网盘, 115网盘, 网易音乐, 百度音乐, 360网盘/云...
Save files in an editable format, using the extension .doc/.docx for Word files and .tex for LaTeX files. A PDF is not an acceptable source file. Lay out text in a single-column format. Remove any strikethrough and underlined text from your manuscript, unless it has scientific significance...
o 246 o 5 (function word) ou 247 ou 1 yang 2 (Chinese first name) pa 248 hai 4 pa 4 (scare) pai 249 pai 4 qian 3 (send) pan 250 pan 4 tu 2 (betrayer) pang 251 pang 2 da 4 (huge) pao 252 pao 3 (run) pei 253 pei 2 ban 4 (accompany) pen 254 pen 2 di 4 (pan)...
Tone disambiguates a large number of these cases, but ample ambiguity remains (about four homophones for each character)” (p. 44). Table5.2shows an extreme case of the same sound with different tones. It is a 64-character story using a one-sound word /shi/ with different tones. The ti...
sky8652 / chinese_chatbot_corpus SMU-Rainflow / chinese_chatbot_corpus snamper / chinese_chatbot_corpus songshanxian / chinese_chatbot_corpus sport20speed / chinese_chatbot_corpus spring-zs / chinese_chatbot_corpus SQQS123 / chinese_chatbot_corpus srhykhc / chinese_chatbot_corpus star...
A further 5% of all word tokens in the SCCoW are three-character words, whereas less than 1% of all word tokens consist of four or more characters. The addition of multi-character words, therefore, is an equally straightforward and crucial extension of existing lexical resources for simplified...