one will address him "先生 (xiān sheng)". Then "先生 (xiān sheng)" has become a general appellation formen. In this sense, it is equivalent to "mister". For example:
Next word: xiānwéi › Phonetic script (Hanyu Pinyin) xiānsheng Listen to pronunciation(Mandarin = standard Chinese without accent) ► You're listening to the natural voice of a native speaker of Mandarin Chinese.English translations Mister, gentleman, husband, Mr., Mr., sirChinese...
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xiānshēngmister Term 八 Definition bāeight Term 公 Definition gōngpublic Term 公司 Definition gōngsīcompany Term 公园 Definition gōngyuánpark Term 六 Definition liùsix Term 关机 Definition guān jīto turn off a mobile phone Term 再 Definition zàiagain Term 再见 Definition zàijiànbye Term 写...
To address someone you can use a title such as Mister, Mrs. or Ms. For “Mister” we would say… Kirin: 先生. Adam: Separately, these two characters are both first tones, but together you often hear it as a first tone and a neutral tone. 先 actually means “first,” while 生 mean...
"Ching, Chong, Oh Mister Ching Chong, You are the king of Chinatown. Ching Chong, I love your sing-song, When you have turned the lights all down." Mimicry, particularly for mocking Asian accents, is the default pejorative mode, according to Kent Ono and Vincent Pham in their book Asian...
serve as bookkeeper 7 n.datedstoryteller; fortune-teller suàn mìng xiān sheng 算命先生 fortune-teller shuō shū xiān sheng 说书先生 storyteller Word usage common measure word "先生" is often matched with measure word "位". 一位先生 one mister...
故填 They are handed down from mister to pupi vn families and troupes.【小题】细节理解题。问题:作为人类非物质文化遗产的中国内影戏,我们学生应该做些什么?结合实际,学生面对这些事件时,我们只有尽力去保护它。故填Weshould trvto protectit.(可适当发挥 反馈 收藏 ...
If you want to address any man in China as Mister or Sir, adding “先生 (xiānsheng)” behind their name is one way of using this honorific title, or you simple address the person solely as “先生 (xiānsheng)”. To address a woman as Mis...