With every dictionary installed, you know that any (actual) word you come across will almost certainly be in your Yomitan installation, and that you will have a good selection of definitions for almost any word. Most dictionaries on their own do not that high of a breadth of coverage so ...
One day her Grandpa goes to the school and, without saying a word, shows the children how he paints in the traditional Chinese style, thereby arousing their delight and interest, which helps all the children get on better together. Congratulations to Matt and Yu Rong as this book is one ...
C Kaist,D Korea,H Isahara,K Japan,M Sun 摘要: Word segmentation is a process to divide asentence into meaningful units called "wordunit" [ISO/DIS 24614-1]. What is a wordunit is judged by principles for its internal integrityand external use constraints. A wordunit's internal structure...
Wang stressed that China is justified to oppose the discharge of contaminated water from Japan's Fukushima nuclear disaster. Since it has agreed to accept long-term international monitoring arrangements and independent sampling monitoring by stakeholders such as China, Japan should stick to its word an...
名míngName; so-called; fame; well-known; measure word for people 一yīOne; a; same; also; whole; used with verbs or between repeated verbs to indicate short duration or a single action; various grammatical uses 二èrTwo; different
Book Review: Translation Culture of Modern Japan and the Japanese Language: Contributions of Morita Shiken, the King of Translation Cool' is out, 'Kawaii' is in. While the word 'cool' originates from the American culture, the word 'Kawaii' means 'cute' in Japanese. This 'cute' cul- ture...
sounds. For example,kesa,a native Japanese word that means “this morning, is written {今朝}. Neither of the two characters represents any part of the sound of the wordkesa,but the meanings of the characters jointly represent the meaning of the wordkesa: {今} meansnowand {朝} means...
Study free Simplified Chinese flashcards about TUDO created by michelsouzamarques to improve your grades. Matching game, word search puzzle, and hangman also available.
That is, the Cantonese word doesn’t derive from the Mandarin; both derive from an older Middle Chinese form. Japanese has borrowed Chinese words at various periods. For instance, the gei in geisha doesn’t derive directly from modern Mandarin yì, but from an earlier stage of the language...
Chinese fancy knots (中国结),also called Chinese knots,are very important in Chinese culture.They began as a form of traditional art in the Tang and Song Dynasties(朝代) in China,and became popular in the Ming Dynasty.Long ago,they found their way to Japan and other Southeast Asian countrie...