" When you come upon one of your Chinese friends, you can say "Nǐ hǎo", and your Chinese friends will also reply with "Nǐ hǎo" to express kindness and politeness. However, this greeting is informal, usually used for friends, peers, and associates. The formal way to say "Hello" isN...
This word is the one that you use when asking for attention and help. It wouldn’t be right to say it in a sentence like “Excuse me, can I pass through?”, but more like: 请问厕所在哪? (qǐngwèn cèsuǒ zài nǎ?) –“Excuse me, where is the toilet?”. ...
(Sorted by part of speech, numbered word sense.May need to scroll content.) (名) As a noun An acknowledgment that can be used to say hello or goodbye (aloha is Hawaiian and ciao is Italian). English synonyms: ciao, aloha Synonyms: 你好, 喂, 欢迎 A farewell remark. English synonyms:...
Discover ways to say goodbye in Chinese, from casual farewells to formal expressions. Boost your Mandarin language skills.
Good evening and welcome everyone to my birthday party. 5. 再见 (zàijiàn) —Goodbye Time to bid adieu, but not before impressing them with your linguistic skills. 爸爸,我要去上学了,再见。 Bàba, wǒ yào qù shàngxuéle, zàijiàn. ...
再见zài jiànGoodbye *The Mandarin word for “no” depends on context; you canlearn more here. You can also learn: moreeveryday phrases how toask for directions polite ways to saythank you more phrases tosay sorry ways to sayexcuse me ...
Study free Simplified Chinese flashcards about TUDO created by michelsouzamarques to improve your grades. Matching game, word search puzzle, and hangman also available.
-for female gōu ka ăn dŏu(for male) / gōu kà shùi (for female) 又更帥了/又更美了Goodbye IN CHINESE Goodbye! zài huì 再會 Take care! màn zǒu 慢走 Let's talk next time! xià cì zài liáo 下次再聊 Bye! bāi luō 掰囉 See you next time! xià c...
Gabor D (2018) Goodbye (Chinese) Shadow Banking, Hello Market-Based Finance. Development and Change, forthcoming.Gabor, D. (2018) Goodbye (Chinese) Shadow Banking, Hello Market‐based Finance. Development and Change, 49(2), 394-419.
1 Hello nǐ-hǎo 你好 2 How are you? nǐ-hǎo-ma? 你好吗? 3 I am very well wǒ-hěn-hǎo 我很好 4 Thank you xiè-xiè 谢谢 5 You are welcome bù-kè-qì 不客气 6 Goodbye zài-jiàn 再见 7 Sorry duì-bù-qǐ 对不起 8 Never mind méi-guān-xi 没关系 9 Excuse me qǐng-wè...