Chinese adverb - already,Chinese adverb - very,Chinese word for getting out of bed,Chinese word for husband,Chinese word for married couple,Chinese word for now,Chinese word for wife,How to say quarrel in Chinese,How to say the other party in Chinese in Chinese,How to say tomorrow in Chin...
likeabridgeinGeneral Q&ATags:Chinese word for chicken,Chinese word for helping and supporting someone,Chinese word for professor,Chinese word for shooting star or meteor,Chinese word for soup,Chinese word for the blink of an eye,How to say climbing mountain in Chinese,How to say comfortably warm...
我们通常用“Chinese character”表示“汉字”而不用“Chinese word”。 “ character”本身就有“汉字,( letter ) 书写符号“的意思,word更多的是指“单词”,也就是字母,如果我们想要表达“英语单词”那就可以说“English word”。...
Recently, girl groups and boy groups are very popular in China.When it comes to the “女团(nǚ tuán) all-girl pop group”, everyone imagines a young, beautiful girl who can sing and dance. Recently, however, a special all-girl pop group appeared in everyone’s field of vision. They ...
For example: “一台电视” can also be said “一个电视” and “一张桌子” can also be said “一个桌子”. So, when you do not know the measure word for a specific item, just use “个” instead! Are you ready to do a test on measure words?
My mother always prepares ten dishes for New Year’s Eve’s dinner and every dish is a special treat. Fish is a must-have dish. The word for fish in Mandarin Chinese is “yú” and it has the same sound as the Chinese word for “remaining” or “surplus.“ ...
官人(Guan Ren) –An ancient Chinese that meant bureaucrats, now becomes a seductive nickname for a girlfriend calling her boyfriend. 外子(Wai Zi)–The person who is responsible for work outside the home. 宝爸(Bao Ba) –It literally means “Dad of future babies.” ...
I’ve been wondering, do you already have a girlfriend? It’s a pretty common and versatile Chinese slang word, so use it well. 5. U1S1 A mixture of letters and numbers, U1S1 is short for the Chinese phrase 有一说一 (yǒu yī shuō yī), which means to be frank or honest. An ...
女汉子 (nǚ hànzi) - tough girl This word first appeared in china as a result of a picture of a girl who has an adorable face but a muscular body. Since then people gradually use 女汉子 to describe girls who are very strong in mind or body and independent in everyday life. ...