byTags:Chinese word for friends,Chinese word for going to bed,Chinese word for one's goal,Chinese word for participate,Chinese word for time,Chinese word for vinegar,Chinese word for wisdom,Chinese word for work,How to say learn in Chinese,How to say remember in Chinese,How to say teach ...
Chinese word for friendly, Chinese word for fruits, Chinese word for indeed, Chinese word for leaving, 货真价实 meaning, How to say actually or really in Chinese, How to say don't approve in Chinese, How to say in fact in Chinese, How to say strong and tough in Chinese, Learn Chines...
The Chinese word for friend is 朋友péngyou. An easy way to remember the characters is to think of two moons standing beside each other (朋péng), holding hands (友yǒu). So, how do you say “best friend” in Chinese? You can describe your best friend as 我的好朋友Wǒde hǎo péngyou...
When he returned, he brought a baseball cap and gave it as a present to his friend. I called up my friend to congratulate him on his success. English word "朋友"(friend) occurs in sets: Top 1000 Chinese words 901 - 950 Chinski hsk 1 z pinyin ...
Chinese word ✘Chinese character [ˈkæriktə] ✔中国汉字是象形文字,方框字,上世纪50年代为了方便学习才发明了拼音,所以,汉字需要用单独的词来表达,就是Chinese character.汉字是这样表达,但是世界上大多数语言都是字母拼成,他们都有字母表,比如英语有26个字母,所以,英文单词是字母组成词汇,那一定是用...
Chinese words containing the word 朋友 ( pengyou / péngyou ) : nánpéngyŏu ( 男朋友 : boyfriend ), nǚpéngyŏu ( 女朋友 : girlfriend ) More words that mean friend in Chinese shúrén ( 熟人 ) Report missing or erroneous translation of pengyou in English Contact us! We always ...
If you're traveling with a friend, you can now introduce them as well. If someone calls you "peng you," don't worry: they're just calling you a friend. Useful Chinese Slang and Mandarin Phrases for Travelers Where is the bathroom: Xǐshǒujiān zài nǎlǐ? (Shee-sow-jian zai na...
_ ( they ) wish for him to stay.,根据句意和词汇they可知,修饰名词wish,应为形容词形式,故为they的形容词性形式。 2. as,In Chinese, the word for "willow" is pronounced the same 37. _ the word for "stay".,根据句意和细节the same可知,为固定搭配和..相同,...
“Long time no see” is used for greeting to the person who has already been your friend for a long time. Sentences for using in some normal situation: English Greetings Chinese Greetings Chinese Characters Excuse me Da Rao Yi Xia/Jie Guo ...
精打细算 may also act as a countable noun phrase, which can be used in conjunction with the measure word 次 (e.g. 一次精打细算). Example Sentences 我老婆是个很会精打细算的人,她几乎连一角钱都不乱花。 My wife plans how she spends her money very meticulously. She almost doesn’t wa...