Chinese Traffic Signs_datasets.txt2021-03-0967.00Bytes Chinese Traffic Signs_datasets.zip2021-03-14184.76MB 文档 Chinese Traffic Signs 5998 annotated traffic sign images of 58 categories Overview This dataset is originating from Chinese Traffic Sign Recognition Database. It has been explored by Riga Da...
Traffic signage detection is considered one of the most researched subjects in area of computer vision and image processing. So far, there has been limited research conducted on this subject using the Chinese Traffic Sign research database (TSRD) and also the results obtained are not so ...
KenmyZhang/single-sign-on 基于Go语言实现的单点登录系统(sso) 支持手机号码+验证码、邮箱+验证码、微信第三方授权三种方式注册 支持手机号码、用户名、邮箱号码、微信登录 支持手机和邮箱找回密码 支持阿里云通信和互亿无线的短信验证码服务 320 Go 08/29 165dengsgo/fileboy fileboy,文件变更监听通知工具,使用 ...
On a test database of 89 images 640x480 containing 92 road signs, 79 are correctly detected (86%) with 25 false positives using the BCT approach in about 30 ms/image. 展开 会议名称: Advances in Visual Computing, 5th International Symposium, ISVC 2009, Las Vegas, NV, USA, November 30 ...
esrrhs/pingtunnel a tool that advertises tcp/udp/socks5 traffic as icmp traffic for forwarding.流量转发工具. 251Go 01/08 144wxbool/video-srt-windows 这是一个可以识别视频语音自动生成字幕SRT文件的开源 Windows-GUI 软件工具。 249Go 12/29 145withlin/canal-go Alibaba mysql database binlog...
The Supreme People's Court (SPC) has upgraded its online judicial case database and launched a mobile app, in a move to improve access to information. 7 pct university students report harassment on campus: survey More than seven percent of university students surveyed said that they have experi...
Florczyk, A.J.; Melchiorri, M.; Corbane, C.; Schiavina, M.; Zanchetta, L. Description of the GHS Urban Centre Database 2015.Public Release2019,1, 1–75. [Google Scholar] General Office of the State Council. Notice of The State Council on Adjusting the Standards for Dividing the Si...
Automatic backup of a database using Automatically insert last row as Total in DatagridView C# Automatically run my exe when startup my computer in C# Avoid space before slash of self closing Xml element Avoiding memory leaks in a windows service await for HttpClient.GetAsync exits the...
Over the past 12 months, the victims were identified through sources such asShodan, the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposure (CVE) database, and the National Vulnerabilities Database (NVD), exploiting the public release of a vulnerability to pick vulnerable targets and further their motives. ...
database, which is a series of interrelated data blocks formed by a specific encryption method. Each data block contains a string of data and can be used to verify whether the transaction information is valid. The core of DT is the integration and analysis of data, and aspect of data ...