Teaching Chinese privately or at school? Download our information pack to find out how you can benefit from trainchinese! Download in English中文版 Learn Chinese anywhere! Create word lists from our massive Chinese dictionary featuring example sentences and audio recordings for simplified or traditional...
We also need to raisetheproduction personnel’s technical skills through training to ensure their masteryofadvanced computerizedaudio-visual technology. legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 我們也需要透過培訓提升製作人員的技能,確保他們精通先進的電腦化視聽科技。
Make sure to check automatic translation, translation memory or indirect translations. Add example Translations of "digital audio" into English in sentences, translation memory Match words all exact any 数字高清互动接口(英文全称:Digital Interface for Video and Audio,缩写为DIVA或DiiVA)是一个发送...
English definition and translation from Chinese of: 我现在在打开 with examples on how to use, sound, pronunciation, stroke order animations for each character and more information on meaning and use.
Another goal of UAA is to provide better support for multi-channel audio in Windows so that, for example, multi-channel WMA Pro audio streams can be played without special driver support. UAA的另一个目标是在Windows中为多声道音频提供更好的支持,例如,无需特殊驱动程序支持即可播放多声道WMA Pro音...
Learning Chinese with audio is a great way to improve both your listening and speaking performance in the Chinese language. And pretty convenient too; you can do it low-focus while you commute, or high-focus with pen and paper with you. Here we list some resources that help you learn ...
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Audio Zoom allows users to dynamically switch between narrate mode, with a single speaker, to interview mode, where the [...] tipschina.gov.cn 通过音频变焦功能, 使用者可以在一人讲话 的 陈 述模 式 和手 持设备的人可以采访其他人的采访模式之间进行动态切换。 tipschina.gov.cn [...] ...
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