Also, you may get many unrelated entries that use the word in the English definition but do not give the equivalent Chinese for it. You can return the results in either GB, Big5, or UTF-8 Unicode. To search by radical/stroke order, please use my Character Dictionary. You can search ...
English to Chinese Character Dictionary 英文-汉字拼音字典(简体中文) Language Stores: If you need to find professional research paper writers you shouldbrowse around these guys. Language BookstoreMaterial for Learning Chinese and 40 more Languages ...
As an example, "你好吗" elegantly transmutes into "How are you" in English. Who can benefit from our online Mandarin Chinese to English translator? Translate King serves a wide range of purposes, making it a versatile tool suitable for various uses: Personal Use Individuals can utilize this ...
if it is English key words or phase, the searching engine extracts and displays the first degree English net address or English net station name relative to the keywords and displays the Chinese net station name or Chinese first degree net address relative arranging on the left or right side ...
to the keywords and displays the English net station name or English first degree net address relative arranging on the left or right side at the same time; if it is English key words or phase, the searching engine extracts and displays the first degree English net address or English net ...
Search by Pinyin »Search by Radical » 汉语拼音方案(漢語拼音方案)Hàn yǔ Pīn yīn Fāng àn [the Scheme for the Chinese Phonetic Alphabet] 给汉字注音和拼写普通话语音的方案,1958年2月11日第一届全国人民代表大会第五次会议批准。这方案采用拉丁字母,并用附加符号表示声调,是帮助学习汉字和推广普通话...
Search with English, Pinyin, or Chinese characters. Powered by CC-CEDICT 廋 sōu to search be concealedBrowse Dictionary 廉江市 | Lianjiangshi | Lian jiang shi 廉洁 | lianjie | lian jie 廉直 | lianzhi | lian zhi 廉署 | lianshu | lian shu 廉颇 | LianPo | Lian Po 廊 | ...
Listen to more examples Guess the word you searched h 你好nǐ hǎo Review definitions & examples Dictionary Usingtips See "Search history" Use Tooltip dictionary Resources Collins Gem Chinese Dictionary (HarperCollins Publishers) Collins Chinese Dictionary (HarperCollins Publishers) Language...
NAVER English-Chinese Dictionary, powered by Collins. Over 1 million pronunciations are provided by publishers and global users.
Use DeepL Translator to instantly translate texts and documentssearch TermTranslate as you type World-leading quality Drag and drop documents Translate now▸External sources (Chinese)▾External sources (English)[...] 2005, his successor Rafael Hui only followed the routine, resulting in the ...