BEIJING, Jan. 25 (Xinhua) -- More than 100 traditional brands in China have joined hands to promote online sales, with assistance from Chinese e-commerce company The time-honored brands, known as laozihao in Chinese, come from 13 provincial regions. They have established a sales al...
Statistics show that there are currently 1,455 national time-honored brands and over 3,000 provincial ones in China. On Beijing's Qianmen Street, young people even line up for a 9-yuan tea-flavored ice cream. During the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, this store which was founded in 1887 so...
Numerous conferences and activities will be held throughout the three-day event, including releasing lists of top time-honored brands in the TCM, condiments, and liquor sectors. The expo aims to gather resources to support the innovation and development of these time-honored brands. The China Tim...
"Chinese time-honored" brands are famous for its excellent product quality, fruitful cultural heritage and unique form of succession, but with the development of social economy and the acceleration of the globalization, the "Chinese time-honored" brands are faced with heavy pressure and a lot of...
OntheTranslationofChinaTime-honoredBrandsinContextIntroducing 系统标签: 老字号翻译文化中华出去honored 基金项目:2013年度湖南省教育厅高等学校科学研究项目“《边城》英译比较研究:湘西文化对外传播的视角”(编号13C773)阶段性研究成果。收稿日期:2013-08-12作者简介:邓高峰(1976-),男,湖南安化人,湖南吉首大学外国语...
Time-Honored" Brands Yongming Pan1,a, Yiran Li2,b 1School of Management, Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin, China 2School of Management, Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin, China, Keywords: Chinese time-honored brands, Transformation Abstract...
ProtectionAnalysisofChineseTime-honoredBrandsinCityClustersMiddle 系统标签: 老字号honored中游clusters城市yangtze 江西农业学报 2013,25(3):146~149ActaAgriculturaeJiangxi长江中游城市集群“中华老字号”保护分析孙志国,定光平,何岳球,谢毅,王树婷 收稿日期:2012-10-14基金项目:文化部科技创新项目(2011021);教育部人文社...
Be sent to different brands companies. Arrive in the company. Be given performance assessment. Call mr. Jones for help. He left off and take express train. Listen to the letter again and Complete the following sentence. The orientation will start on. The orientation will last. A detailed ...
Two months previous, the company behind Tianjin’s 162-year-old Goubuli steamed bun brand was delisted from the National Equities Exchange, triggering similar discussions on the public’s declining appetite for China’s “time-honored brands,” orlaozihao(老字号), and whether these venerable busin...
Zhao Xiaojie, a consumer, said his father and mother loved to visit the big fence before, and now they are in love with this place too. Because the things here are more and more modern. The service began to accelerate for 24 hours to get the ready-made clothes. Many old brands also ...