Chen Nian, an analyst with Gsdata, a consultancy which monitors Chinese social media, said in a statement Peppa's streetwise reputation in memes and spoofs was a "massive nonsensical joke" that was a way for young people to rebel. "The contradictory traits of a 'thug' and the innocent ...
●Tik Tok in all walks of life Original musicians, Peking opera actors, professors of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, non-genetic inheritors, barbecue stall owners, courier brothers, etc., everyone’s real life is in Douyin! Everyone records themselves, the beauty of life is here! Download a...
If you’ve been keeping up with internet memes on social media, or do your fair share of social media scrolling, you may have come across a video of the Chinese man commonly known as 蛋哥 (dàn gē) - the “Eggman”. He has recently become an international internet sensation, at the s...
一日一更 On a mission to spread the laughs (and groans). Daily Dad Jokes Podcast - Dad jokes that are guaranteed to make you laugh and your family and friends groan! Top dad jokes are curated and produced daily. Sourced from the Dad Jokes subreddit on Reddit! Credits are in the show...
近日,一個名叫Ari Williams的妹紙在Tik Tok上跟大家分享了自己在ZARA的經歷,隨機嚇死若干網友。當時她在試一條連體褲,當她打開褲腿正要往裡套時,她和一隻老鼠對視了!更社死的是,收到嚴重驚嚇的她,直接穿著內衣就從試衣間跑了出來!這時,該門店的經理過來了。在了解發生了什麼後,經理接過了Ari手上的連體褲…就...
但这件事很快就变味了,该小组的一些成员决定成了一个分支小组,名字就叫“Harvard memes for horny bourgeois teens 猥琐少年表情包小组”。群主要求大家聊天时先发来一些比较挑衅的表情包,才能获得进群资格。然而,这些表情包根本就不是什么搞笑类、猥琐类的,而是带有明显性意味,针对少数族裔、嘲讽性暴力受害者、大屠杀...