When I married into a Chinese family, nobody ever warned me about the complicated “Chinese relatives name game” I would need to navigate – a world of completely novel terms for family members that have no exact equivalents in my native language of English. ...
When I married into a Chinese family, nobody ever warned me about the complicated “Chinese relatives name game” I would need to navigate – a world of completely novel terms for family members that have no exact equivalents in my native language of English. ...
The Chinese family tree may seem overwhelming at first, with its many specific terms for different family members and relationships.But don't worry – we've got you covered! This guide will help you navigate the 家谱 (jiā pǔ), or Chinese family tree.[Photo/Unsplash]Chinese Family Tree To...
Family relations can reach out over several generations and through many extensions. English terms for family members only consider two factors: generation and gender. While in English, there is only one way to say "aunt," for example, there are multiple ways to say "aunt" in Chinese dependin...
Terms for otherrelatives are more complicated than those inEngish though.Two principles govern how Chinese familymembers are addressed: first,relatives on the paterna side are distinguished from thoseon the materna side; second,the age difference between people of the same generationis taken into ...
Try and apply不(bù no, not) and没(méi have not) to the following action words, and make sure you fully understand the difference between these two terms. 走(zǒu go, walk),回家(huíjiā go home),做(zuò do),打球(dǎqiú hit/play ball),改(gǎi change). ...
Master Chinese family vocabulary with 51 essential terms. Learn to navigate familial bonds with key phrases, the proper way to address your family members and more words for familial relationships. Discover the essential terms for immediate, extended and
Impress them further by trying to haggle in Chinese — because you're usually given the tourist price first. (Keep in mind that, at a market, it's appropriate to haggle for souvenirs, clothing, shoes, and accessories, but food is sold at a fixed price.) ...
People will cheer for him or her. He or she will get policy support as well. In terms of public opinion environment, besides many other favorable aspects, a very good platform has been created for entrepreneurs today. 51.助人为乐,是中华民族优良传统之一。通过“助人 既向别人提供了帮助,又...
The terms for cousins on yourfather’s sideall start with堂(táng) 堂哥táng gē:older male cousin on dad’s side 堂弟táng dì: younger male cousin on dad’s side 堂姐táng jiě:older female cousin on dad’s side 堂妹táng mèi:younger female cousin on dad’s side ...