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Online ESL Teacher- Remote AirClass 1 on 1 Remote in Huddersfield We are looking for several K-12 certified part-time teachers from the UK to join our talent pool for international students (mostly Kindergarten to primary… EmployerActive 2 days ago·More... View similar jobs with this empl...
We will notify you when new Chinese Mandarin Teacher jobs in CBD Area are posted. Notify me By creating an email alert, you agree to jobsDB's Terms and Conditions and Privacy Statement. You can cancel email alerts at any time. We have removed 1 job very similar to those listed above. ...
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Chardonnay Samson, who is a teacher, said she applied for an administration job because there were few vacancies in the teaching field. The initiative to offer jobs to South Africans jobs is welcome and she wishes this could continue, she said....
In the Secondary School, the Middle Years Programme (“MYP”) and Diploma Programme (“DP”) were authorised in December 2006 and June 2007 respectively. 查看此僱主刊登的相似職位 Chinese Associate Teacher for Primary Section – Fluent Mandarin Speaking 最新 VICTORIA SHANGHAI ACADEMY 滬江維多利亞學校...
Keyword : all jobs Edit location input box label 搜索工作机会 发布日期 职位类型filter 工作语言 上传简历 - 简单快捷地申请工作吧! Chinese Tutor 职位 显示结果:内容优先 - 时间优先 24 个职位 ESL TEACHER - WORK FROM HOME - FLEXIBLE SCHEDULE - ASAP Magic Ears 北京市 朝阳区 ...
IBDP Chinese Teacher 中文教师 (青年教师) / 15-30K/月 投递简历 福利待遇 五险 公积金 专业培训,节日福利 职位详情 到岗时间: 2025-09-30 - Be familiar with International Baccalaureate syllabus - Full of IB teaching experience - Has IB teaching certificate - Assigning appropriate homework and ...