Classic Chinese Love Poems in Customized Calligraphy Style Printable $10.00Price Chinese Symbols, Phrases, and Poems for Honor 荣誉: Honor 荣耀: Glory 信誉: Reputation 誉满天下: One's good reputation knows by the world. ...
Chinese Symbols for Hope, Dream, and AmbitionChinese Characters for Hope, Dream, and Ambition: Hope: 希望 Dream: 梦想 Ambition: 志向 Ideal: 理想 Desire: 愿望 Chinese Phrases about Hope, Dream, and Ambition: 如愿以偿: Obtain what one has ...
China’s New Sex Symbols (click for details) Over 600 held in China for selling train tickets illegally (click for details on In China, no more ‘prostitutes’, only ‘fallen women’ (click for details) China boasts 3rd-largest population of millionaires in the world (click for...
The SDG Book Club launched in April 2019, the aim being to develop a reading list of titles for readers aged 6-12 years about the importance of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to encourage young people around the world to set up their own book clubs on this subject (more...
The Last Word on Chinese Symbols for a Happy Home You can display each of the eight Buddhist auspicious objects together or singly. What is most important and effective is that you are mindful and willing to have happy energy in your home. The intent behind arranging items in our homes is...
(i.e., the ruler and protector) of both gods and men, was also regarded as the sender of thunder and lightning, rain, and winds. It seems that thunder and lightning are symbols of the demon in both ancient Greece and China. The thunder has clearly the double characters of reifying ...
In Chinese language, fear and hope refers to 恐惧和希望(kǒnɡjù hé xī wànɡ). Symbols for fear are ghosts, diseases, death, and so on. All these things make people feel hopeless in life, so they try their best to avoid them. Symbols for hope are spring, the color green, the...
Thanks to the cheerful, golden-yellow color of their flowers,dandelions symbolize happiness. They are also a symbol of wishes coming true, and many believe that blowing the puffball of seeds from a spent dandelion is a time for making a wish. In China, dandelions are also symbols of courage...
divinatory symbols divine help divine pill, elixir of life division; branch; clique; faction division; category divulge; disclose dizzy; giddy dizzy; giddy; faint do (video) do; act (xing, Mandarin pinyin practice) do; act (wei, Mandarin pinyin practice) ...
Speaking of Chinese traditional culture that there are, however, and let all I remember is the Spring Festival. The Spring Festival is the most ceremonious traditional festival of the Chinese people, is a symbol of unity, prosperity, and on the new hope for the future of festival, how to ...