Master of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies 6 years of Chinese teaching experience With unique insights into teaching and learning, I can make good use of various methods to motivate students to learning Teacher Xuanlin Senior School Teacher Certificate ...
there are numerous excellent online Chinese courses. These range from the beginner to even high level business Chinese, from basic pronunciation to Chinese slang; everything you want to learn, you can find
Duration of Education Standard duration is 4 years, and the basic time limit of finishing required studies is 3-5 years. For students without Chinese bases, the duration of education is at least 4 years; for students who have a cer...
The Master’sprogram of Contemporary China Studies (MCCS) at Silk Road School (SRS), Renmin University of China(RUC) isbase on RUC’s international and domestic impact, unique think-tank resources, outstanding faculty, and adv...
the optimized Ir-MnO2catalyst shows high OER activity, as it has turnover frequency of 0.655 s−1at an overpotential of 300 mV in 0.5 mol L-1H2SO4. The catalyst also shows high stability, as it can sustainably work at 100 mA cm-2for 24 h. Experimental and theoretical studies reveal...
60 years of development has made BLCU a multidisciplinary university that featured in language and culture education and research, a significant academic center for Chinese and foreign language and culture studies, and the cradle for advanced international talents in China. ...
Posted inacupuncture,bias,bogus claims,Chinese studies,clinical trial,conflict of interest,critical thinking,fraud,medical ethics,methodology,pseudo-science,quackery,study design,symptom-relief,TCM|Leave a comment Quackademia in Canada: the first bachelor’s degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine ...
2022, International Journal of Human Computer Studies Citation Excerpt : For example, Nielsen (2019) suggests that no more than six personas should be created, as it might be challenging for designers to remember the details of each persona (i.e., the manageability rationale). From an informati...
Although previous studies have revealed that disciplines, status, and gender (Park, 2017; Xu, 2022) may influence supervisors’ usage of discourses to establish their professional self and disciplinary presence (Hyland and Tse, 2012: p.157), studies of the influence of disciplines, status, and ...
a) Firstly, Please register at ( to complete the online application of Nankai University and make the application fee payment as well. Application Fee is listed as follows: Master program:...