Convert Chinese text to pinyin: HD audio of 14,000 words + English translation + HSK level highlight + handwriting worksheet generator.
Each letter of the alphabet was assigned its own code so that words and sentences could be spelled out a letter at a time. 由于每个字母都有自己的代号,因此,信息可以逐字逐句拼出。 jw2019 In America in the eighteenth century, Noah Webster introduced spelling approaches with syllabaries and...
You can type Chinese on a English keyboard by using software called "Iput Method Editor" or IME in short. IME allow English keyboards to produce thousands of characters used in written Chinese. The most IME is PinYin based IME. It is a way to input Chinese in transliteration using the sta...
Chinese literature - 20th Century, Poetry, Novels: Following the overthrow of the Qing dynasty and the establishment of the republic in 1911/12, many young intellectuals turned their attention to the overhauling of literary traditions, beginning with the
The reason is that there are many homonyms in Chinese characters. Some syllables have as many as more than 100 Chinese characters, and Chinese characters are spelled in each syllable. It is difficult to guess the meaning of new words. Chinese characters do not have many meanings, and it is...
Acronyms and abbreviations must be spelled out the first time they appear 缩略语和简称在第一次出现时应当使用全名。 MultiUn Further to paragraph 44 of Part I of the Initial Report, the EOC has also been empowered to handle complaints, conduct investigations, and provide assistance under the Ra...
When the combination can be spelled, a Chinese character with the same pronunciation as the combination is corresponding to the combination, and a beginner can learn Chinese phonetic alphabets in an intuitive mode.张明
will refuse activation if a word is wrongly spelled. 填写时请注意书写方式,避免因 BBS 服务器无法识别而拒绝 激活请求。 You can right click such words and the spell checker will suggest you all possible variants of the word spelling. providesupport...
Countries in Chinese // Discover how to say 94 country names in Chinese and what the literal translations are. There are some funny ones!