SPACETRAVEL ——ppt课件ChineseSpaceProgra1m ChineseSpaceProgram •Satelite •Launchvehicle •Spaceprobe •Mannedspaceflight •Spacestation •Mannedlunar-probe •Marsprobeppt课件 2 Satelite ★Scientificsatellite:ThiskindofsatelitesarenamedafterShiJian-nseries.Therehavebeen6Practiceseriessateliteswere...
Two Chinese astronauts are in orbit on the latest stage of a program aimed at landing on the moon. The launch of the rocket was carried live on state TV, and our correspondent Daniel Griffiths reports from Beijing: Heading for the stars, China’s latest space mission blasts off from a ...
Chinese_Space_Program(中国航天工程英文版)SPACETRAVEL ——ChineseSpaceProgram ChineseSpaceProgram •Satelite•Launchvehicle•Spaceprobe•Mannedspaceflight•Spacestation•Mannedlunar-probe•Marsprobe Satelite ★Scientificsatellite:ThiskindofsatelitesarenamedafterShiJian-nseries.Therehavebeen6Practiceseries...
SPACE TRAVEL;Chinese Space Program;Satelite;Shi Jian series satelite;Dong Fang HongⅠ April 24, 1970 ;FY-1;Launch vehicle;CZ-1 series: launching small size satelite.;CZ-3 series: using hydrogen-oxygen burning engine; launching HEO communication satelite.;General View of Long March series;CZ-3...
In recent decades, the Chinese space program has developed at an incredibly fast pace, turning the country into a comprehensive space power behind only the U.S. in terms of accomplishments and capabilities, said The Japan Times. According to a report released by the Office of the Director ...
The People's Republic of China has begun definition of a new Saturn-1-class heavy booster to launch large Chinese satellites in the late 1990s, but is pursuing a constrained space program pace as it balances production of consumer goods against high-tech expenditures....
[01:46.08]U.S. law banned China's military-connected space program [01:51.56]from working with NASA and joining the International Space Station. [01:57.12]The mission also marks the high point of nearly 20 years [02:02.00]of ...
天空一号chinese space program ABigEventofChina'sSpaceProgram Shenzhou-8DockswithTiangong-1Successfully OnNovember3rd,theunmannedShenzhou-8successfullydockedwiththeTiangong-1.Thisdockingisaneventofhugegeopoliticalsignificant,justastheorbitingofChina’sfirstastronautwasin2003.Itwasanecessarysteptoourcountry’sthree...