Mankind will explore the moon together, as large exploration projects will require international cooperation in the future. China will play a leadership role in the international scientific community, China Daily noted. According to President Xi, the mission was also the latest achievement by China’...
Chinese space exploration made great achievement in 2020, with the mostimportant event being the Chang'e 5mission (任务)The Chang'e5 was China' firt sample(样本) returm mission. Ittravelled in space for 23 days and and broughtback 1.7 kg of luna rock and soil samples to Earth. This was...
5. China’s Chang'e-6 Probe Returns With First Ever Moon Far-Side Samples On June 25, China's Chang'e-6 probe made history by returning to Earth with the first-ever samples collected from the far side of the moon. This landmark achievement showcases China's advancements in space explo...
On June 25, China's Chang'e-6 probe made history by returning to Earth with the first-ever samples collected from the far side of the moon. This landmark achievement showcases China's advancements in space exploration, highlighting the country's growing capabilities in scientific research and ...
It was a remarkable achievement for the Chinese people. Yang Liwei's courage and confidence have inspired the Chinese people to strive for greater accomplishments. Yang Liwei's successful mission has opened up a new era of exploration for China in the space industry. China is now planning to ...
【题目】Chinese spac explortion mad greatachievement n 2020 withthe mostimportantevent beingthe Chang'e 5mission(任务)The Chang'e5 was China's first sample(样本) retum mission. It travelled in space for 23 days and and broughtback 1.7 kg of lunar rock and soil samples to Earth. This was...
(任务)to Mars in 2020. The planned mission includes orbiting, landing and(2)___ (move) on the surface of Mars, according to the Global Times newspaper. It's(3)___ achievement that shows China's innovative spirit in space exploration and courage (4)___(face) great challenges. It...
China plans to launch the Mars probe in 2020, and aims to complete orbiting, landing and roving in one mission, an unprecedented achievement. "This shows China's innovative spirit in space exploration," said Sun. But Mars is a totally new challenge for Chinese engineers. They have to solve...
China plans to launch the Mars probe in 2020, and aims to complete orbiting, landing and roving in one mission, an unprecedented achievement. "This shows China's innovative spirit in space exploration," said Sun. But Mars is a totally new challenge for Chinese engineers. They have to solve...
China has always stuck to the principle of peaceful use of space resources. All space activities carried out by China, including the moon probe project and deep space exploration project, are aimed at exploring the space and serving the interests of mankind. China's space exploration project is...