中国教育学会(英文名称为“the chinese society of education”,简称“cse”)是全国群众性教育学术团体,成立于1979年4月12日。 本会宗旨是:以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论为指导,坚持党的基本路线,遵守宪法、法律、法规和国家政策,遵守社会道德,全面贯彻国家的教育方针,团结和组织全国有志从事教育科学研究的...
Representatives of attending 2012 annual meeting of the Chinese Society of Education hold that,confronting the trend of system reform,executive departments should not only consider the smooth enforcement of policy but also the unique characteristics of different periodicals,completely avoiding the rigidly un...
a leader’s benevolence is much appreciated in Chinese society because of the influence of Confucianism. Because high CSEs tend to see themselves as possessing desirable attributes (Baumeister et al.2003; Sedikides
This paper presents an optimality theory account of stress-dependent tone assignment in Chinese speakers' Colloquial Singaporean English (CSE). Disagreements between previous transcriptions are reconciled, showing that speakers use low, ... EC Ng - From the Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society 被...
Dr. Jun Li is a tenured full professor at Western University Faculty of Education, Founding President of Chinese Society of Education (CSE, 中华教育学会), Immediate Past President of Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), guest professor of Peking University and Beijing Normal Univers...
(CSE) as two potential factors explaining individual leadership preference. Power is inherent to leadership. Whether one accepts the power inequality in society and institutions (i.e., power distance orientation) is crucial in conceptualizing the leadership relationship (Kirkman et al.2009). ...
[...]in the Constitution and relevant legislation but has gone further by making sure that human rights valuestake rootinsociety and by strengthening the human rights culture at all levels, including in media discourse, in education and in regulations. ...
Chu Zhaohui, a senior researcher at the National Institute of Education Sciences, said the English proficiency of people in China has improved steadily thanks to education reforms adopted by the government and the opening-up of Chinese society. ...
as the value of STEM is increasingly recognized globally, significant efforts have been made to promote STEM education (Ahmed,2021; Jiang et al.,2021a; Mystakidis et al.,2021). A key goal of STEM education is to increase students’ interest in STEM careers (Karahan et al.,2021; Luo ...
2009 “Applying Centrality Measures to Impact Analysis: A Coauthorship Network Analysis.” Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 60 (10): 2107–2118. Yang, Chengshu 2000 Research on Interpreter Training: Theory and Practice [in Chinese]. Taipei: Fu Jen Cat...