安装:汉化插件 打开VSCode,在插件搜索输入框输入“Chinese”,搜索插件“Chinese (Simplified) Language Pack for Visual Studio Code”。点击install安装插件。 安装:C++编辑器插件 在插件搜索输入框输入“C++”,搜索插件“C/C++ for Visual Studio Code”。点击install安装插件。 第三步、编写配置文件 此时只是勉强算得...
VS code设置中文 vscode官网下载地址:https://code.visualstudio.com/ 插件官网地址:https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/ vscode默认的语言实英语,但是还是中文看着舒服点 在插件扩展窗口输入,Chinese (Simplified) Language Pack for Visual Studio Code 点击安装 然后重启软件就切换为中文了 文章来源: allen5g.blog...
Type: Bug Every time I restart VS code, the Chinese language pack installed before restart becomes uninstalled. VS Code version: Code 1.81.0 (Universal) (6445d93, 2023-08-02T12:40:02.782Z) OS version: Darwin x64 22.1.0 Modes: System Info Extensions (49) A/B Experiments VSCodeTriage...
You are about to download thevsix file for Chinese (Simplified) (简体中文) Language Pack v1.97.2025012909 extension on Visual Studio Code 1.97.0 and up: Chinese (Simplified) (简体中文) Language Pack for Visual Studio Code, Language pack extension for Chinese (Simplified) ... Please note that...
Chinese (Simplified) Language Pack:为了方便中文用户,可以安装中文语言包,这样可以在使用英文编程环境的同时,享受中文界面带来的便利。 2.1.3 配置 VS Code 设置 个性化设置:通过File > Preferences > Settings或者使用快捷键Ctrl + ,打开设置页面,根据个人喜好调整字体大小、主题等。
Type: Debugger Describe the bug OS and Version:macOS 10.15.7 VS Code Version:1.50.1 C/C++ Extension Version:1.0.1 Other extensions you installed (and if the issue persists after disabling them):Chinese (Simplified) Language Pack for Visual Studio Code ...
If Chinese (Simplified) is selected in VS2017 installer, the installation fails at “Microsoft.NET.4.6.FullRedist.NonThreshold.Resources,version=,language=zh-CN”.Visual Studiowindows 10.0Setupvis...
Figure 5. A malicious MSI file masquerading as a Simplified Chinese language pack for Telegram Using infected language packs as an infection vector is an interesting method, especially for the Chinese language, which has an estimated 1.3 billion native speakers. Some applications require ...
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code-server version: 2.1692-vsc1.39.2 OS Version: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Extension: Chinese SImplified Language pack Description Hi there, I just run code-server by using the prebuild binary file, but I found that I canot install the Chinese language pack. Firstly I thought maybe that is because ...