Sign language has served as a communication medium between the Deaf community and society. Nonetheless, the practice of sign language is not common in Chinese society, along with a lack of professional sign language interpreters. Most existing studies on sign language recognition have only considered...
According to the global and local features of Chinese manual alphabet images, Fourier descriptor and other multi-features is introduced for the vision-based multi-features classifier of Chinese sign language recognition. At first, extracting features of letter images is done, then classification method...
In sign language recognition (SLR), the major challenges now are developing methods that solve signer-independent continuous sign problems. In this paper, SOFM/HMM is first presented for modeling signer-independent isolated signs. The proposed method uses the self-organizing feature maps (SOFM) as ...
模糊神经网络推理规则经验风险函数CAS-GloveIn this paper, a novel recognition method of single hand static words of Chinese Sign Language based on fuzzy neuro network is introduced. First, the fuzzy reasoning rules and the network structure are established using empirical knowledge. Then the membership...
指包含所有可证明从一个单一祖先语言传下的有联系的语言,而这个祖先语言本身不和别的任何语言有联系基本词义 More about 语族 characters : 语-族 Last search in the dictionary 愕异 不该 语族 饥穰 笔谈 旦 错 踩高跷 贪杯 可恨 Other online chinese dictionaries ...
Isolated sign language recognition (SLR) is a long-standing research problem. The existing methods consider inclusively ambiguous data to represent a sign and ignore the fact that only scarce key information can represent the sign efficiently since most information are redundant. Furthermore, inclusion...
In sign language recognition, one of the problems is to collect enough training data. Almost all of the statistical methods used in sign language recognition suffer from this problem. Inspired by the crossover of genetic algorithms, this paper presents a method to expand Chinese sign language (CS...
1.Revision of the Chinese Sign Language Handbook;《中国手语》中部分手势语词的改革设想 2.A Fast Sign Word Recognition Technique for Chinese Sign Language;中国手语手势词识别的一种快速方法 3.Comparative Research between Out - of - Deaf - Community Deaf Children s Home Sign and Chinese Sign Languag...
According to Yang Mingzhi, the sign language volunteer, many deaf and dumb people are scared to go to the hospital for fear of improper communication due to their disability. "I remember a patient who suffered from stomach trouble but did not dare to see the doctor," Yang recalled. "The ...
Microsoft Japanese IME Speech Recognition Program Microsoft Japanese IME Spoken Language/Emoticon Dictionary Microsoft Japanese IME Standard Dictionary Microsoft Japanese IME Symbol Dictionary Microsoft Kernel Acoustic Echo Canceller Microsoft Kernel Audio Splitter Microsoft Kernel DLS Synthesizer Microsoft Kernel DRM...