Birth years of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Monkey If your birth is within the date ranges below, it means you were born in theYear of the Monkey(1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028). Read the full horoscope of theChinese zodiac sign of the Monkeyhere:Mon...
As each animal sign has unique personality traits, the Chinese people like to predict people’s relations and more according to this. For example, when finding their mates, Chinese people hope to find the person with the animal sign that compatible with him best. Also the zodiac provides ...
2022 is the Year of the Ox, but what year were you born? Find your Chinese zodiac sign here.
Born in 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992. ClickHerefor FREE brief forecast in the Year of the Rat (2008-2009). Rooster: Born in 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993. ClickHerefor FREE brief forecast in the Year of the Rat (2008-2009). ...
on “Manage Settings” for more information about these purposes and where we process your personal data based on legitimate interests. See also ourPrivacy NoticeandCookies Policy. If you do not consent to these Cookies and the processing of your personal data for these purposes, click “Decline...
Your birth year determines your Chinese zodiac sign. However, each year is connected to the Chinese lunar calendar, not the traditional calendar of Jan. 1 to Dec. 31. Since the lunar calendar changes slightly every year, if you’re born in January or February, you’ll need to check the ...
sign, second place would represent the second and so forth. The Rat, being the most cunning, waited for the most oportune moment to to cross the river, which was the final obstacle before the finish line. The Rat simply leapfrogged across the train of animals crossing the river, the ...
Need help figuring out your Chinese Zodiac Sign (or Lunar Calendar Sign)? Reference the following list to find your birthdate and determine your animal sign. Feb 5, 1924 – Jan 23, 1925 Rat Jan 24, 1925 – Feb 12, 1926 Ox Feb 13, 1926 – Feb 1, 1927 Tige
12 Chinese Sign Profiles The twelve Chinese Signs are well-known, but each sign is unique and individual with its own strengths and flaws. Click on each sign for a quick Chinese portrait: Chinese Zodiac Calendar The Chinese lunisolar calendar is divided into 12 months of 29 or 30 days. The...
The Chinese zodiac sign for 1988 is the Dragon. The Dragon is said to be powerful, noble, and confident. As combined with the Chinese five elements, 1988 is also called the Year of the Earth Dragon. Read more on 1987 the Year of the Rabbit and 1988 the Year of the Dragon. Chinese ...