5) Titles Database of Chinese Scientific Technical Periodical 中文科技期刊篇名数据库 1. This paper gives a detail introduction of the application environment, the operaton method and searching result evaluation for the "Titles Database of Chinese Scientific Technical Periodicals" which is used in ...
1.Chinese Academic Journals Index Database and Databases of Chinese Scientific and Technical Periodicals : comparison and analysis;《中国期刊全文题录数据库》与《中文科技期刊数据库》来源期刊的比较与分析 2.Based on“ the Data Bank of Chinese Scientific Journal”, this paper aims to retrieve and study...
近年来,获得“中国最美期刊”“中国高校优秀科技期刊”等荣誉称号。 Journal of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciences(JTCMS) is an international, peer-reviewed publication with advanced scientific research in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Founded in July 2014 and published quarter...
Journal Full-text Database, the accumulation of the about 7280000 articles, divided into seven album album: Natural Science, agricultural science, medicine and health education, the album album album, album scientific economic and technical management of Library and Information Engineering, album, album...
databases: Cochrane Library (November, 2013), PubMed (1959–2013), EMBASE (1980–2013), Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI, 1979–2013), Chinese Scientific Journal Database (VIP, 1989–2013), Chinese Biomedical Literature Database (CBM, 1978–2013) and Wanfang data (1998–2013)...
Chineseelectronicjournalsfull-textdatabase,thethree databaseshasbecomeanimportantpartofmostcolleges,public librariesandscientificresearchinstitutionsinthe literatureandinformationsecuritysystem.IntheInternet, thesethreedatabaseshavebecomeanimportantrepresentative
Introduction:"ChineseTechnologyPeriodicalDatabase"isthe continuousdynamicupdateoftheworld'slargestChinese JournalFull-textDatabase,theaccumulationoftheabout 7280000articles,dividedintosevenalbumalbum:Natural Science,agriculturalscience,medicineandhealtheducation, thealbumalbumalbum,albumscientificeconomicandtechnical manageme...
Chinese Scientific Journals Database (VIP), China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), Wanfang Data and Sinnomed. All the above electronic databases were searched from their inception until 17 January 2017. In order to collect a more comprehensive data, the search strategies for all studies con...
Meanwhile, the method exhibited good sensitivity and is applicable to a wider range of compounds than those previously reported; it also provides a scientific basis and technical support for the rapid screening and quantitative analysis of SCs in actual relevant cases. Design and evaluation of a ...
manuscripts are the novelty and significance of the research, and whether it is interesting for a broad scientific audience. Unfortunately, your manuscript does not reach a priority sufficient for a full review in our journal. We regret to inform you that we will not consider it further for ...