(garments, wool, cigars, and shoes) and service industries (laundry, domestic work, and restaurants) in such rising cities as San Francisco, New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Seattle; into agriculture in rural communities in California; and into small retail business in...
Other bus companies cropped up on the curbsides of Chinatown almost overnight, expanding routes to Philadelphia, Washington D.C., Atlantic City, and other destinations with large Chinese communities. For the first few years, marketing usually consisted of a ticketing agent standing on a curb with...
Master’s Thesis, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2018; pp. 8, 149. Frankl, V.E. Man’s Search for Meaning: An Introduction to Logotherapy; Beacon Press: Boston, MA, USA, 1959; p. 12. [Google Scholar] Bundick, M.J.; Tirri, K. Student Perceptions of Teacher ...