(1)朗诵篇章:扫描—分析—默读 我们以PSLE中经常出现的描述新加坡多元文化的篇章为例。 第一步,扫描篇章,了解情感基调。例如,篇章可能充满对新加坡多元文化的赞美,因此,朗读时应采用积极、热情的语调。同时,找出不熟悉的词汇,如“种族和谐”(racial harmony)、“文化交融”(cultural integration)等,结合上...
Chinese PSLE Oral Passage Proves Tough Without Hanyu Pinyin Our nation has been griped bymind-numbing PSLE questionsbefore, but mastery of ourMother Tonguesis still proving to be tricky for many of us. A netizen posted a PSLE Oral passage meant to be read aloud on Thursday (20 Aug), which...
One of my favourite principles is the 80-20 rule, which states that 80% of outcomes come from 20% of actions. 80% of exam questions come from 20% of the textbook material (hence the concept of “spotting questions”), 80% of a company’s revenue comes from 20% of its customers, et...
But fret not, Teacher Carolyn’s back again to provide some tips for your child to ace their upcoming PSLE Chinese written paper! 1. Read the questions carefully (仔细审题) Students should read each question carefully and understand what is required in their answers. They should ensure they ...
3 years of tutoring experience, helping students from 'good' to 'normal' schools alike, excel at the O Levels and PSLE (both Chinese and Higher Chinese), getting As in the national exams. Testimonials for Jieyu Chang Write Testimonial Be the first to write a testimonial for Jieyu Chang ...
I have concern on oral examination as I do not know the format nor the questions that will be given, I mean it is not Math or Science subjects where there are topics or concept that we can practice. These 12 broad topics are definitely a great tips to us! As DinoBoy's Chinese vocabu...
In this post, we focus on the third (and most scary) passage, or 阅读理解二B组 worth a whopping 22 marks and consists of all open-ended questions involving writing. PSLE Chinese marks allocation THE THREE FACTORS FOR COMPREHENSION SUCCESS ...
2018-08-16 22:14:0108:5920 所属专辑:Oral (Chinese and English) 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑
3. Exam Preparation Sessions (PSLE and O-Level Chinese) Targeted preparation for standardised exams. Comprehensive coverage of exam syllabus and key concepts. Practice with past papers and exam-style questions. Guidance on exam strategies and techniques for optimal performance. Tailored to meet the re...