Chinese painting - Brushwork, Landscapes, Calligraphy: The character of Chinese painting, like that of Chinese calligraphy, is closely bound up with the nature of the medium. The basic material is ink, formed into a short stick of hardened pine soot and
Line Gallery@2019 Art Central fair.Mar 27, 2019 - Mar 31, 2019.Venue(s):Central Harbourfront Event Space.Organizer(s):Line Gallery.ARTLINKART is an online database project for Chinese contemporary art;
bySatsuki Shizuka 五月靜inGuqinTags:Chinese painting,Gags,Guqin,humour Shen Xinhai (1855-1941). "停琴仕女圖" (Portrait of a Servant-lady Pausing from Qin-playing). Created in 1898. When this site was first founded, our basic mandate was to prove that “Guqin =/= Guzheng”, and we’ve...
The sculpture of the Song period continued to emphasize representations of the Buddha, and in thatgenrethere were nosubstantiveimprovements over the work of Song sculptors in succeedingdynasties. Landscape painting was one of the outstanding arts of the Bei Song, and its most noted figures were Fan...
Artist Ngan Siu-Mui on Chinese caligraphy, Painting, Seals and Stamps, Poetry, Artistic Chinese Tattoo
Henrique Faria Fine Art (New York City, NY, United States) (1)(11)(20) NOW! PAINTING IN GERMANY TODAY (group)02.13 - 04.30Deichtorhallen Hamburg (Hamburg, Germany) (1)(10) QUADRO (group)02.13 - 04.30Deichtorhallen Hamburg (Hamburg, Germany) (1)(4) Umbo - Revisited (solo)02.13 - ...
art, while paying technical homage to the ancient masters and improving on existing traditional techniques. One of the most influential painters of the Shanghai school was Ren Xiong. Members of the Ren family and their students produced a number of innovations in painting between the 1860s and ...
painting calledTheRiver of Wisdom. It is roughly 30 times the size of the original scroll. The computer-animated mural has moving characters and objects and portrays the scene in four-minute day and night cycles. Today, the animation is on permanent exhibition at the China Art Museum, Shang...
He was the director of the Department of Chinese Painting of the China Academy of Art and the director of the Department of Plastic Arts of the China Academy of Art. 展开 徐默Xu Mo 中国美术学院 中国画与书法艺术学院 教授Professor 徐默,1987年毕业于浙江美术学院并留校任教至今。现为中国...
The scent of incense pervades the air and rises to the vaulted ceiling while a line of her most devoted admirers in black leather masks approach her with gifts and chests filled with treasure. One privileged devotee – the commissioner of the painting – has been permitted to worship her black...