Recipes Conversion Chart About Legal Display Search BarEasy and delicious recipes for Chinese New Year, including Char Siu Pork, Chinese Barbecue Pork, Satay Chicken, Chinese Turnip Cake, Chinese Tea Eggs, Soy Sauce Eggs, Chinese Chicken and Corn Soup....
Chinese food need never be a once-a-week-restaurant treat again! Over 1000 trusted free & delicious Chinese recipes, easy to follow & cook. Amaze yourself, family & friends with your Chinese cooking skills.
A list of the most popular and symbolic Chinese New Year recipes for hosting your dinner party and enjoying great food with family and friends. The recipes range from regional specialties to popular takeout, from appetizers and main dishes to dessert. You’ll be sure to find something for eve...
This collection of recipes are things I like to make and serve to my family and friends during Chinese New Year.
Easy Salted Egg Yolk Cornflakes (2 Ways) next post Homemade Chinese New Year Cookies, Pastry, and Snack Recipes Our Favorites How To Make Soft and Fluffy Pandan Chiffon Cake (Complete Guide) How to Make Basic Asian Rice Porridge (Congee) ...
Chinese New Year Recipes: Meat dishes Soy Sauce Chicken There’s nothing more auspicious than a whole chicken. Technically, the proper Chinese New Year way is to serve the chicken with headandfeet included on the plate. We’ll give you a pass on this one, though!
Planning a feast for Chinese New Year? From festive fish and dumplings to sticky rice pudding and peanut cookies, this symbolic selection of delicious recipes and traditional foods will help you plan the menu. In addition to fueling your celebration with family and friends, these Chinese dishes ...
I decided to compile some of my recipes for this Chinese New Year Recipes collection. Some of the dishes were inspired by my two grandmothers, one by an aunt and the rest were just what I deemed suitable for the occasion. Nothing too complicated, really. For those of you still stressing ...
Here are some of my favorite recipes from other bloggers to help you plan your own Chinese New Year feast and celebrate the arrival of the new year.
Click here for Chinese New Year recipes! Whether you are looking for seafood, meat or vegetarian Chinese recipes, you'll find them here.