Learn Chinese New Year greetings to convey your Chinese New Year wishes. You can also send them a Chinese New Year card to show your sincere blessings (with audio and cards updated for 2025).
you. Using one of the following common CNY greetings is sure to impress your friends. You can also craft your own greeting by using 祝你 (zhù nǐ) — or 祝您 (zhù nín) when addressing older people or those you want to show respect to — followed by your wishes for the new year....
拜年与祝福 | New Year’s Greetings and Wishes 恭喜发财,红包拿来!Wishing you wealth and prosperity, bring on the red envelopes!身体健康,心想事成!Wishing you good health and the fulfillment of all your wishes!事业腾飞,蛇行千里!May your career take off, and like the snake, may you ...
Greetings and Sayings for the Chinese New Year. Fu God of Happiness and Good Luck The Fu star is generally depicted in scholar's dress, holding a scroll. Lu God of prosperity The Lu star is usually depicted in the dress of a mandarin. ...
Chinese New Year Greetings In The Year Of Snake Chinese New Year sayings & what to avoid In Hong Kong and China, the festival iscelebrated over 15 days, during which relatives and friends engage inbaai nin(拜年,bai nianin Mandarin).Baaimeans the respectful clasp of one hand over a fist ...
Chinese New Year Greetings from 1-10 1. 一帆风顺 (Yī fān fēng shùn): Smooth Sailing The journey begins with “一帆风顺,” a wish for life to be as smooth as a sailboat gliding effortlessly through calm waters. It’s a popular phrase, symbolizing a desire for an obstacle-free year ...
Chinese New Year Greetings from Guangdong 广东向世界问好!广东省省长王伟中贺新春 广东向世界问好 ——广东省省长王伟中新春贺词 侨胞们、乡亲们、朋友们:此时此刻,万家团圆、喜迎新春。我代表广东省人民政府和全省人民,向广大海外侨胞、港澳台同胞和世界各国朋友,致以诚挚的新春问候和美好的节日祝福!2023年是...
10. 岁岁平安 - May You Have Peace Every Year. In Mandarin: suì suì píng ān In Cantonese: seoi3 seoi3 ping4 on1 How to Say Happy Chinese New Year 2025, the Year of the Snake In 2025, it'sthe Year of the Snake. Learning Chinese New Year greetings that include this zodiac anima...
Cantonese Greetings and Sayings for the Chinese New Year. Fuk God of Happiness and Good Luck The Fu star is generally depicted in scholar's dress, holding a scroll. Luk God of Prosperity The Lu star is usually depicted in the dress of a mandarin. ...
新春快乐xīnchūn kuàilè - Happy 'New Spring' 春节快乐chūnjié kuàilè - Happy Spring Festival 恭贺新禧gōng hè xīn xǐ - Best wishes for the year to come! Greetings and Sayings for Good Luck 吉祥如意jíxiáng rúyì - Good luck and happiness as you wish. ...