“Curious – Encyclopaedia of Geography” by MING Yang Zhuo An // 《奇趣地理小百科》明洋卓安 (编著) – Explore nature’s mysteries! For example, why are red tides red? What is the relationship between El Niño and La Niña? [ISBN 9787110102312] “The Goose in the Land of Green Grass...
The Data Sharing Platform of Earth System Science (DSPESS) of the National Science and Technology Infrastructure of China, which has operated for more than ten years, is used as a case study to analyze digital map data sets sharing and services. Digital map data collection characteristics, the...
Some scholars claim that Chinese characters are inefficient for learning, compared to the alphabet, because it takes long to learn to read in Chinese due to the vast number of characters to master (Hannas,1997; Man,2000; Wolf,2007). Notwithstanding their inefficiency and complexities, Chinese cha...
On the other hand, with the launch of high spatial resolution satellites at home and abroad in recent years, especially GaoFen series and space-based system satellites launched by China, there is an urgent need to build a national and uniform standards network aimed at the validation and ...
This historically significant collection ofdifangzhi(地方志) contains unique primary sources on Chinese history. The source of the original materials is the collection at the National Library of China, whose holdings are extensive and often unique. ...
Geography & Social Data Back to Civilizations (Civ6)Wikipedia has a page called: ChinaThe Chinese people represent a civilization in Civilization VI. They are led by Mandate of Heaven Qin Shi Huang, under whom their default colors are dark green and white; Unifier Qin Shi Huang, under whom ...
Space & place, mapmaking East and West : four hundred years of Western and Chinese cartography from the Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division, and the collection of Leonard & Juliet Rothman : exhibition catalogue by Cordell D.K. Yee ... [et al.] Elizabeth Myers Mitchell Art Gall...
Zhou YL: Geography of the Vegetation in Northeast China. 1997, Beijing , Science Press Google Scholar Kahlke HD: On the complex of the Stegodon-Ailuropoda-Fauna of Southern China and the chronological position of Gigantopithecus blacki v. Koenigswald. Vertebrate Palastatica. 1961, 5 (2): 83...
china-national-standard-gb-t-7714-2015-author-date.csl 的修改版。按照语言显示“等”或“et al.”; 姓名取消全大写。显示效果:(Crane, 1972) (王临惠 等, 2010) (王临惠, 2010) (Kennedy et al., 1975a) (Kennedy et al., 1975b) (中国社会科学院语言研究所词典编辑室, 1996) (杨保军, 2012) ...
National Plant Germplasm System (US NPGS) (Staub et al. 2002). The RAPD marker array (SMR) used herein provided critical initial information for the establishment of a core collection of Spanish landrace melons (López-Sesé et al. 2002). Similarly, reference accessions (SRA) that circumscribe...