So now you’ve cracked both this meme should relate to you more than most.For those of you who aren’t so lucky, we have no doubt you’ll still chuckle at this one!English/French/Italian/German – yea it’s easy enough once we get stuck in! Chinese… pfft....
Chinese netizens humorously use it to express “I like you,” as the Mandarin pronunciation coincidentally matches the Cantonese phrase “喜欢你” (hei fun nei, translated as “I like you”). This meme originated from a popular short video created by a netizen...
送信[song xin,] 英语字典:送(song,)信(xin,) “ 送信 ”的英语翻译 词典解释 song xin carry letters 2.[Informal] to send word; to go and tell “ 送信 ”的其它翻译 词典解释 (1)[中文词典] (2)[韩语词典] (3)[日语词典] ...
(m) -s [英] ①(流行)歌曲②带有对社会批判讽刺色彩的歌曲 广告x
输送[shu song,] 英语字典:输(shu,)送(song,) “ 输送 ”的英语翻译 词典解释 shu song deliver; to carry; to transport; to convey 2.transportation; delivery channel 4.[Mechanics] conduction; feeding 相关词语 输送管 “ 输送 ”的其它翻译 ...
运送[yun song,] 英语字典:运(yun,)送(song,) “ 运送 ”的英语翻译 词典解释 yun song convey; to transport; to deliver; to ship; to carry; to ferry; to freight 2.conveyance; transportation; transit; consignment “ 运送 ”的其它翻译 ...