Buy EndNotearrow_forward Learn morearrow_forward Request a trialarrow_forward Need help? Get support American Journal of Chinese Medicine Citation Style:Author-Year Date:Tuesday, April 10, 2012 Discipline:Alternative Medicine File Name:Amer J Chinese Med.ens ...
Taub, B. (2016, December 28).Having Sex Helps Us Become Immune To Diseases. IFLScience; IFLScience. Reports This example shows the general structure used for government reports, technical reports, and scie...
Citation Style: Non-superscripted Number Date: Thursday, February 14, 2013 Discipline: Alternative Medicine File Name: Chinese J Natural Medicines.ens Publisher: Elsevier URL: Based On: Bibliography Sort Order: Appearance-Order BibField1: Author BibField2: Title BibField3: Journal ...
PaperpileThe citation style is built in and you can choose it in Settings > Citation Style or Paperpile > Citation Style in Google Docs. EndNoteFind the style here:output styles overview Mendeley, Zotero, Papers, and othersThe style is either built in or you can download aCSL filethat is su...
Diagnosed criteria (integration medicine or western medicine). Intervention Treatment drugs; Using does; Interment duration; lifestyle intervention; and Follow-up period. Participants The number of participants randomized; The number of participants analyzed; Sex ratio, history of NFALD, mean ...
Chinese Medical Journal 1: Chan CY, et al. Images in cardivascular medicine. Detection of large aneurysm of Vieussens' arterial ring after abnormal shadow on chest radiography. Circulation Oct 13;120(15):e : Ding L, et al. Increased expression of integrin-linked kinase attenuates left ventri...
the factors that created it are still present and the cancer will return. This is the reason why looking at absolutely everything about a persons health, be it physical, emotional and especially their lifestyle is integral to successfully treating any disease in Chinese medicine. The cancer is ...
Currently, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has played a significant role in treating CA with its unique strengths and perspectives. One TCM liquid compound prescription, Paiteling (PTL), developed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1995 (China National Invention Patent Number: CN100502920C)...
Traditional Chinese medicine, Syndrome differentiation, Gestational diabetes mellitus, Exercise prescription 摘要: 目的:探讨中医运动处方对妊娠期糖尿病(gestational diabetes mellitus,GDM)患者血糖控制及妊娠结局的影响。方法:选取200例GDM患者,随机分为观察组和对照组,每组100例。对照组给予常规孕期干预,观察组给予中医...
Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) has been widely used as an adjunct to western medicine in treating angina in China. We carried out this systematic review to evaluate the effectiveness of CHM on top of western medicine for angina. This meta-analysis included 46 randomized control trials with 4212 ...