CMDD is provided by haodf and University of San Diego.本数据集由好大夫和圣地亚哥大学提供。 .gitattributes chinesemedicaldialoguedataset-_datasets.zip点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:30 积分 电信网络下载 ...
Chinese Medical Intent Dataset(CMID)中文医学意图数据集CMID1.OverviewThis dataset is used for Chinese medical QA intent understanding task.It is provided by machine learning group held by Su Xiangdong from Inner Mongolia University. You can check original paper "A benchmark dataset and case study ...
Chinese medical dialogue data 数据集由792,099个问答对组成,覆盖了男科、内科、妇产科、肿瘤科、儿科和外科等六个主要医疗专业。这一数据集的细致分类和丰富内容为研究人员提供了一个深度探索中文医疗对话处理技术的宝贵资源,特别是在自然语言处理(NLP)和机器学习(ML)领域内。 在医疗领域大模型的构建和应用中,该数...
该数据集由北京交通大学李清勇教授团队收集并人工标注的一个医疗化验单图像数据集,包含了238张文档图像,每张图像包括两个表格。第一个表格将患者信息排列成5行4列。第二个表格报告了具体的检测信息,包含了n(n ≥ 1)行和6列。第二个表格中的一些单元格是空单元格,不包含任何内容。数据集中不包含跨行或夸列的单...
Include multimodal information (our new dataset ChiMed-Vision-Language-Instruction - 469,441 QA pairs: Citation Benchmarking Large Language Models on CMExam -- A Comprehensive Chinese Medical Exam Dataset @article{...
In this paper, we present the Chinese Medical Information Extraction (CMeIE) dataset, consisting of 28, 008 sentences, 85, 282 triplets, 11 entities, and 44 relations derived from medical textbooks and clinical practices, constructed by several rounds of manual annotation. Additionally, we evaluate...
Chinese Medical Intent Dataset. Contribute to liutongyang/CMID development by creating an account on GitHub.
In this paper, we present the Chinese Medical Information Extraction (CMeIE) dataset, consisting of 28, 008 sentences, 85, 282 triplets, 11 entities, and 44 relations derived from medical textbooks and clinical practices, constructed by several rounds of manual annotation. Additionally, we evaluate...
2型糖尿病的隔代遗传概率为父母患糖尿病,临产的发生率为40%,比一般人患糖尿病,疾病,如何更重要的选择因素基于生活方式的,后天也隔代遗传隔代遗传易感性更公正,增强患糖尿病的风险,低糖低脂肪,平时清淡饮食,适当锻练,增强监测数据,血糖仪买个备取。 内分泌科 糖尿病一般需要怎么治疗? 我妈定期检查仔细检查的时候,...
本项目基于 Ziya-LLaMA。 感谢提供 ChatMed_Consult_Dataset 数据集的创作者。 引用😎 如果您希望引用这个工作,请使用以下格式: @article{yang2023zhongjing, title={Zhongjing: Enhancing the Chinese Medical Capabilities of Large Language Model through Expert Feedback and Real-world Multi-turn Dialogue}, auth...